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Global Leaderboards Update Status


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Tributes and Stats Fanatics,

It has been over two weeks since the launch of MCGamer V2, one of the largest updates in this network’s history. Things were rocky at the start, but everyone has been diligently working to fix every bug, glitch, and error that we can find. Thing are stabilizing and the network is returning back to business as usual, thanks to the efforts of the Developers, staff, and players alike.

Because of this, the Developers and I are finally able to turn our attention to the delayed-but-highly-anticipated Global Leaderboards Update. New stats to track, new leaderboards to monitor, and new update scripts will breathe new life into our current leaderboard system.

What Is the Global Leaderboard Update?

Our current Leaderboards are a centerpiece of the MCSG gametypes, but they haven’t been updated since the first release of MCSG years ago. The Global Leaderboard will change that by bringing out Leaderboard systems to modern standards and offering a number of features that we have been without for far too long.

Here’s a quick bullet point list of what the Global Leaderboard Update will provide:
  • A New, Updated Leaderboard.
  • Legacy Leaderboards.
  • Overall Lifetime Statistics.
  • More Efficient scripts.
  • Flexible Code.
  • Time-based Leaderboards (Trending).
  • Regional Leaderboards.
  • Updated Tracking.
  • Achievements, Medals, Shiny Things!
Note: Due to time constraints, some of these features may not be fully implemented upon release.

For more information on the Global Leaderboards Update and its features, please check the announcement post here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/global-leaderboards-update-coming-soon.146861/

But Why the Delay?

We had hoped to release it alongside the MCG V2 updates, but the complexities and release issues of MCG V2 forced us to reconsider. We knew that people are very passionate about their Survival Games statistics, as it represents the culmination of their time and experience ingame. As such, the Leaderboards roll-out has to be perfect and bug-free, lest people become upset over stats issues.

The last thing we would want is for you to earn 200 wins, then lose them all as part of a glitch.

What can we expect? When Can We Expect It?

There is currently no set release date for the Global Leaderboards Update, but we are working as quickly as we can to bring it to you. We will be testing the new system likely alongside the current system to make sure the new system can handle the load and update accurately and reliably. Those tests will be done quietly and should not require any disruptions in server operations.Once we are confident that the new system is ready for prime-time, we will make the big announcement.

We want things to be perfect, because any mistake could cause serious issues with how stats are tracked, saved, or shown. As such, development for the Global Leaderboards Update will have to be methodical and thorough, which will take time. However, all good things come to those who wait, and trust us when we say that this will be good.

We want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with us during the rocky last few days. Rest assured that once the Global Leaderboard Update is released, it’s going to be awesome.

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