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*Gianteye's Free Thumbnails, Banners, Signatures and more*


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score

Right click the grey background and hover over 'Background' and select 'Transparent'.
Then position the skin how you want and right click and choose 'Save Image As', then save it where you would like.

Then just open that image in Photoshop or whatever program you're using.

Hope I could help :)


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Applications for Signatures:
What is your IGN(Or your name to be on the Sig, For example I would want mine to be Gianteye) ? Lebron12
Do you want your body like the example given (If no say what you do want)?: I would like mine like Darkrai's but with full sized legs xD
What would you like the outline colour to be? Red
What would you like the background to be? Valleyside University
What do you want it to say?: What is below :3
One line, Two lines or Three lines? 3 Lines
First line text?: Proud Phoenix Member
Second line text?: Asian Wannabee
Third line text (Optional)?: Da SumBooDee
Do you mind if I put my name in a corner?: Go ahead :)
Skin link (Don't be lazy)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/lebron12
Other?: errrrr....


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score

Right click the grey background and hover over 'Background' and select 'Transparent'.
Then position the skin how you want and right click and choose 'Save Image As', then save it where you would like.

Then just open that image in Photoshop or whatever program you're using.

Hope I could help :)
Thanks so much :)


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Applications for Signatures:
What is your IGN(Or your name to be on the Sig, For example I would want mine to be Gianteye) ? Jockster2002
Do you want your body like the example given (If no say what you do want)?: Yeah
What would you like the outline colour to be? Green
What would you like the background to be?Holiday Resort Beach
What do you want it to say?: below?
One line, Two lines or Three lines?
First line text?: Jockster2002
Second line text?: Mediocre Nooblet
Third line text (Optional)?: #AU
Do you mind if I put my name in a corner?: sure thing.
Skin link (Don't be lazy)?: on iPod sorry.
Other?: :/

Application for Others:
What is your IGN? jockster2002
What kind of Digital Art do you want? Avatar
Would you like your body in it? Yes
If so what shape (If no leave blank)?: for avatar so idk, square?
Would you like text?: yea
If so what would you like it to say (Please be exact)?: Jockster2002
Skin link?: soz on ipod
Other?: :/
http://i.imgur.com/H6X4X6s.png Hope you like it :)


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
Applications for Signatures:
What is your IGN(Or your name to be on the Sig, For example I would want mine to be Gianteye) ? GavwavMC (be sure to put my name in)
Do you want your body like the example given (If no say what you do want)?: Yes. If you can, can you try putting me in this pose? > http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/204/e/4/Majin_Vegeta_Big_Bang_Attack__by_2D75.jpg
If not, then your choice. :)

What would you like the outline colour to be? Pale blue
What would you like the background to be? The corn in SG 4
What do you want it to say?: Below \/
One line, Two lines or Three lines? 3
First line text?: The best Scot on the forums!
Second line text?: Killer of spam!
Third line text (Optional)?: Elite MCSG noob!
Do you mind if I put my name in a corner?: sure. ;) (make sure it is in the top left corner)
Skin link (Don't be lazy)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/GavwavMC
Other?: You wouldn't mind adding a Scottish flag and the MCSG creeper in the bottom right corner?

Your art work looks brilliant! Keep up the good work! :D


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
I can also make signatures for free~
I made mine:))


Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
What is your IGN?: joshbillyjoe
What do you want on your Thumbnail?: HiveMC With Josh. Then in backround a OITC map. and HiveMC Logo.
Would you like your skin on it?: Yes please!
If yes, in what position(If no leave blank)?: Arms hold a bow back.
What would you like the background to be?: Portal OITC map.
What colour do you want the outline to be?: blue
The text?: HiveMC With Josh. And HiveMC
What colour do you want the text?: Black
Would you like them saying #1 #2, If so I will do 5 episodes for you(Yes/No)?: No thanks. Not episode numbers. I can do those.
If yes which numbers (If no leave blank)?:
Skin link(Don't be lazy, I'm doing this for you and you won't give me a link ;p)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/FerrariDriveBy
Other?: Thats about it.
Last edited:


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
Applications for Signatures:
What is your IGN(Or your name to be on the Sig, For example I would want mine to be Gianteye) This will be my forums banner for my signature, so dah_hobbit
Do you want your body like the example given (If no say what you do want)?: Yea I guess.
What would you like the outline colour to be? Purple.
What would you like the background to be? Blue. More like a royal blue.
What do you want it to say?: Dah_Hobbit, and I don't know. Anything that would look there lol!
One line, Two lines or Three lines? 2
First line text?: Proud owner of a skarmory
Second line text?: The best at Gen 3
Third line text (Optional)?: n/a
Do you mind if I put my name in a corner?: That's fine! I want tp gove you credit! I will probably say that it was made by you anyways.
Skin link (Don't be lazy)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/isaacbidisaac
Other?: Thanks man!


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Applications for Signatures:
What is your IGN(Or your name to be on the Sig, For example I would want mine to be Gianteye) This will be my forums banner for my signature, so dah_hobbit
Do you want your body like the example given (If no say what you do want)?: Yea I guess.
What would you like the outline colour to be? Purple.
What would you like the background to be? Blue. More like a royal blue.
What do you want it to say?: Dah_Hobbit, and I don't know. Anything that would look there lol!
One line, Two lines or Three lines? 2
First line text?: Proud owner of a skarmory
Second line text?: The best at Gen 3
Third line text (Optional)?: n/a
Do you mind if I put my name in a corner?: That's fine! I want tp gove you credit! I will probably say that it was made by you anyways.
Skin link (Don't be lazy)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/isaacbidisaac
Other?: Thanks man!
What is your IGN?: FerrariDriveBy
What do you want on your Thumbnail?: HiveMC With Josh. Then in backround a OITC map. and HiveMC Logo.
Would you like your skin on it?: Yes please!
If yes, in what position(If no leave blank)?: Arms hold a bow back.
What would you like the background to be?: Portal OITC map.
What colour do you want the outline to be?: blue
The text?: HiveMC With Josh. And HiveMC
What colour do you want the text?: Black
Would you like them saying #1 #2, If so I will do 5 episodes for you(Yes/No)?: No thanks. Not episode numbers. I can do those.
If yes which numbers (If no leave blank)?:
Skin link(Don't be lazy, I'm doing this for you and you won't give me a link ;p)?: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/FerrariDriveBy
Other?: Thats about it.
Added to the Queue :)

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