Name: Toto
IGN: totothebest97
Skype name: giola979797
Age: almost 17
Country: Italy :c
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 761
Games Played: 1711
PvP Strengths: I'm weird,if I'm focused on the game I seem a freaking proplayer,otherwise I could even seem like one of those random steeves D: ; anyway,FnS ftw(at least as long as I don't set myself on fire <3)
PvP Weaknesses: not so good with bow,expecially in bow vs bow.Whenever I find one of those regen/stopfire hackers,I don't know how to fight them,so I run away just hoping that their connection will go down or something like this
Not a weakness,but my connection...well...since I live in Italy,my ping doesn't help me(about 70) :c
Why do you wish to join Ghost: since I've been playing on mcsg,I've always played with people I met online,who became my friends,but they've never been so good.I started to search a clan recently,for playing with people and improving my skills,and this one looks awesome about everything:skilled people and seriousness!
Did you have any previous clans: I've always played with friends I met online as I already told;I've never joined a clan,the problem weren't my pvp skills,but until 1-2 months ago my english...well...I almost didn't even know the grammar,even now I'm not perfect,expecially when I talk,because I never do it,I'm not used to do it,but I'll improve improve even on this,just gotta get the rust off <3