Im sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with Ear, and disagree with the rest of you. Not because im in TeamVareide with him, but because I believe what he believes. Firstly, I used to like breeze island, why? Because a while back it was just Breeze island, SG1 and SG2 on offer. SG1 and SG2 were maps with quite a bit of depth, and a large area to explore. Then there was breeze island, a map that, no offence to any of the creators, is simple, easy to navigate, and doesnt have a huge amount of depth. Its basically a pvp arena, not an SG arena. So, this opened up new variety. But now, after time, the maps have somewhat 'evolved' and I feel breeze island doesnt really compare to the new maps. It's starting to really annoy me how people can't well, sorry to be rude, get of their own arses to create chest routes for the new maps, so they just play Breeze island over and over. That and people with lower end pc's just play Breeze too. I'm not saying get rid of Breeze Island, I just think some new voting system needs to be implemented. Because man, I never play SG as much as I used to because of this. The amount of amazing, new, unique maps on offer, and we always play the most generic, simple one. Strange.