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G33ke's Story

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Warning: This is probably one of my longest posts ever. I highly advise grabbing a bag of popcorn not skimming through it too much, though, as there is some information included that can be very easily misunderstood.

Well, everyone else is doing it... Plus, another essay couldn't hurt, right? :p

You guys may know me as that guy who "invented" the fishing rod tactic that is quite commonly used among more experienced users today, or maybe just the guy who's posts are usually extremely long and over-detailed. Or, maybe, if your name is slasherxtreme , you know me as the guy who uses the "G33ke exploit" to get his ways. :p

Waaaay back in July of 2012, I was a part of another community, under a different alias. I was not G33ke, but actually under what is now my alt account. (at that time, this was my "alt". Really depends on which one I'm using more at that time.) I was one of the most "popular" users of the giant server, and had been high staff on it in the past. At around this time, I had heard of some users on it playing the "hunger games" minecraft servers. I knew they existed, and I had watched a few perspectives of the first youtuber games to see what to expect. As a lot of you may know, that was a fairly crazy game involving many item spawning, so I turned to the second youtuber games (which was just recently released at the time if I'm not mistaken.) which looked more like what the people on the other server were talking about. (Especially since they were talking about playing on SG2.)

I wanted to join in on this, however due to advertising rules and issues of the sort, they were unable to tell me the IP. (Things were complicated with that rule then...they could talk about it, but not tell me the IP when I could just look it up. :/) Thus, I went in search of some servers to join myself and played on my own. The first thing I found upon searching it was MCSG: It looked intriguing, I wanted to try it, however at this time I knew nothing of getting into the servers easily and got frustrated when I tried. After about an hour of fumbling around with it, I finally got into one, only to crash with an out of memory error just before the game started due to computer problems. (I at this time was on a windows vista 32 bit operating system...not my choice. The thing was terrible and out of memory errors occured very frequently, especially when there is a very large amount of vines like there was on SG2 and SG3.)

This was extremely upsetting. I finally got into a game only to be cheated out of it by my computer. :/ I rage quit, only to come back days later to try again. After I finally figured out an effective way to get into games, I was still having issues with my computer, so I went to the internet for solutions: Me, being the guy who knows nothing about computers or effectively searching the web, didn't find much. All I found was a guy saying "get off 32 bit operating systems: You can't allocate more RAM to them." which was a huge problem for me since that was kind of a simple solution to my problem.

I did realize, though, that it was the vines crashing my client all the time: My solution? Only ever play on SG1. After a few days, the hype for SG3 died down significantly, and SG1 was the most popular map once again. I was able to play 70% of my games, but only if it were that map of course. Finally, I played some games, losing quite a few, however, due to the amount of reading I did on the forums, I did learn how important chest routes were, and aimed to make the best one I could. After much fumbling around, I made one that, by todays standards, is a less than average route...but hey, I had one, right? I still to this day use it as a backup if all else fails, it certainly ends better than when I wander randomly.

After winning a good few games, I felt good about my level of skill and thought I was pretty good, even though the reality was that I sucked terribly. I looked at the leaderboards and, if I remember correctly, Zeejayy was number 1 with roughly 200-250 wins. I wanted to climb the leaderboards and see how quickly I could catch up, but after many weeks of playing, I realized how impossible that would be without completely no-lifing it.

That's when I brought up this gamemode to my brother, just for fun: He was interested and we played a few games together. I explained to him how I would crash if we played on certain maps, but due to the issues we had getting into a game together, we tried anyway. After a few games of me crashing on it...it was like magic, I suddenly didn't crash on the map for once and played a full game. Then it happened again, and again...I swear I didn't change any settings in optifine or anything, why did it suddenly work? I don't know, but I didn't question it.

I created a chest route on SG2 with lots of tier 2s...little did I know when I created it that the very start of it was one of the most popular routes among "pros", even today. Since it branched off less than a third of the way through, though, I didn't mind much. Even today I consider it one of the best routes on the map: Although there is better ones, this one is a strong safe one that I enjoy.

Nothing particularly interesting happened for a few months: I started becoming slightly active on the forums, making infrequent, but huge posts, but that's about it. Back then, I was a bit more aggressive in my posts, making some about things that, today, wouldn't get very far at all. I'm not a fan of some of my older posts, but hey, I can't complain, I wrote them after all. :p

Then, one day, I decided to get donor. I didn't have any trouble getting into the servers as I knew how, but I still wanted it for the convenience. It felt awesome to actually have a rank other than the default, even though it was still true that nobody knew who I was.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
I invited some friends from the other community to come play with me, Jetscat1 was one of them. At around this time, I started getting about average at the games, and I could see my win/lose increasing. I felt that every game I played with them, I learned something new...I could feel myself improving drastically day by day. Suddenly, I went from 2000 points average to like 6000, which at the time was considered pretty much "pro" by those who actually cared about points. My win/lose went through the roof and I started winning so often: I would win like 5 out of 6 games easily when playing with Jets. I really wanted to tackle more experienced players: I would get really nervous when in a game with any big name player. These games always proved to be extremely fun, even if I never encountered these players.

Then, Jets one day casually says "my mod app was accepted on MCSG."...wat? Apparently, he made a moderator application when he was already high staff of another huge community. What his reasoning was...I dunno. Still, if he got accepted so quickly and easily, I thought I might stand a chance at getting it. I waited for the day his interview was to see if he'd get it, but he didn't. Apparently, in his app, he said he didn't have a mic, but got accepted anyway, and got denied in the interview for not having one. I'll never understand what the reasoning for accepting him in the first place was...but okay. Supposedly, he was to be given another interview when he gets a mic if he still wanted to be staff, however he never took advantage of this despite him now owning one.

I decided that, since I had a mic and just as much experience moderating as he did, why not apply? I applied that very day and, within hours of the application going up, got accepted. I was really happy about this, I was quite tired of hackers and having the ability to deal with them myself seemed great...this also marked the day I first logged on to the teamspeak. For the longest time, I avoided it since I was lazy and didn't want to install the program, but I figured that since I'd have to have it for the interview anyway, I'd go install it right then.

I joined the teamspeak and got to talk to some other awesome people, and the next day, I got the "waiting" rank on it. All the people I got to talk to/the pokes I got congratulating me made it finally feel as if I was a part of the community. For so long, I had felt like that "noob" that nobody knew, but the combination of my rise in skill/getting staff/coming on TS frequently/other things turned my appearance from noob to a valuable and interesting member of the community.

During the time of being a mod, one day, when playing, I noticed something kinda odd...whenever I hit somebody with my bow in just the right way, they had a hard time getting hits on me. It wasn't easy to pull off, but something about it felt less like it was the opponent failing and more like me doing something good. I then thought to the rod...it deals the same knockback as a bow, but doesn't require me to stop in place, is instant, and people won't expect it. I decided to try it, running into fights with fishing rod in hand...after much practice, I noticed progress: It was working! Not exactly how I intended, but for the most part, it worked. (Even to this day, I rarely use the rod the way I originally intended, although still very similarly. Still, the way that was originally intended does work, however it's very tough to pull off and often situational.)

After quite some time moderating, I felt I got "bored" of it and found it more of a hassle to deal with hackers than anything. The reason I stayed on staff for so long? I'm not even sure. I believe it was just to talk to some of the awesome staff members in teamspeak, or maybe it was for that slight hope that there's an issue other than a hacker for me to deal with...that's what I really loved doing. I didn't want to be dealing with report abuse or catching hackers, I wanted to be dealing with other issues, like making pinned threads on the forums and the whole bajancanadian hacking issue...why? I just felt like these more important things could have been dealt with a bit better (no offense to the Sr. Staff.) and I wanted to be a part of helping it be dealt with...better. I wanted my word heard on other major issues rather than dealing with hackers. This meant I'd have to be Sr. Staff or an admin to deal with it.

Yes, I kinda was staying on staff for the higher rank, but not for the shiny tag: I felt as if getting a higher rank would allow me to do more of what I wanted to do on staff. I honestly didn't feel like I was accomplishing much as a regular mod, even if I was, because I constantly heard of other issues that are for higher ups to deal with that seem far more interesting and I felt more passionate about than dealing with hackers...after a while, not only did I realize how little actual work I was doing, but I was also constantly being bothered by users on catching hackers and, while I still attended to it when I could, I never "enjoyed" it and I felt that having a staff position wasn't really for me anymore.

This isn't nearly the full reason I left staff though...in fact, this is a very small part of it, but it's the only part I'm fully comfortable explaining here. Still, I will openly admit that a lot of the later time of me being on staff was hoping I'd get ranked up...not for the shiny tag, but so I actually felt useful and to actually get stuff done. Honestly, regardless the reason, I didn't feel like waiting to get ranked up to do anything was the right way to go about it and stepped down partly for that reason. As said before, though, there are many other more significant reasons I don't want to go into detail of, though, and these were what finally pushed me to do it.

After leaving staff here...I'll be completely honest here, and I hope you guys don't hate me for this, but I was considering joining staff on the Hive. I decided against it knowing that what I'd be getting into would cause the same stuff as mentioned above: I don't feel I would have done my job correctly until I was given the job I felt truly was what I wanted to do, which wouldn't have come for a long time. I stopped myself and decided against becoming staff there.

Don't take that the wrong way, though: I still enjoy playing on MCSG, (when it's not as buggy as it kind of is right now anyway.) there are a long number of complicated reasons why I play on the Hive so much and why I left staff. I will not go into detail on any reasons not explained here.

Nowadays? I'm mainly playing on the Hive. Not because of anything against MCSG, but for other various reasons. I am not hesitant to play on MCSG if asked, so don't act as if I'm completely gone and won't come back: I'm always up for a game on MCSG. (except for the times I'm not in the mood for SG in general. :p) I've met a lot of awesome people here that I may not talk to much anymore, but I've also met many others I will talk to for much longer. It was quite the experience. I wish MCSG the best in growing to be the best it can be. I may not be super active anymore, but I'm still here sometimes, keeping up with any changes.

Sorry for the double post: It doesn't all fit in one. D:


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
A story that was so long he needed two posts to do it.

Well done, G33ke. And you still kept me interested all the way through. :p
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
<3 G33ke. I'd been saying for the longest time that you needed SR.Mod. You seemed to be one of the most logical thinking and level headed mods, giving you a higher rank and power over things like the Bajan issue should have been a given. Maybe then we could haven given Bajan the boot earlier, and gotten rid of such a massive bad influence on the community. I wished you'd stayed as a mod for a little longer though, but it was your choice.
As for the Hive, I know why people play on it. It feels a lot different from MCSG, and a fresh feeling game always feels nice. But I have many reasons for mainly playing here. The community is wonderful, there is a bit of drama on occasion but we deal with it. A big part of these servers for me are, obviously, the forums. I've like many others, have grown attached to this community and feel like leaving it would be silly. Also, I get treated like a random noob on the Hive forums. I also think Hive has their priorities screwed up. Allowing BSM is silly, it gives an obvious advantage, I feel like they just allowed that to hold onto Bajan for a little while, as well as the baccas. They allow a mod with obvious OP-ness, but then disallow teams of three plus, that is the main reason I don't play there. It's silly, teams are part of the game, they should be allowed indefinitely, but of course the players there are conditioned to it and refuse to give unlimited team size a chance. They also lack a set of organized rules.

Off of the Hive rant, thanks for posting this. Read it all. And whatever you do, don't add a TL;DR.
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