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Future Forum Feature Suggestion


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
The only problem I can see would be the classifications for a "hot topic". For example, how would you classify something as trending? By posts per day? How many likes it got? The amount of views? All three?

Maybe I'm just missing something because frankly, I don't use reddit. Anyway, bangin' idea, I'd definitely like to see this happen in the near future!


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
We should keep this thread alive! Id like to actually know for sure if this is possible to implement or not! (hopefully it is)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I haven't really forum-ed for a few weeks so I'm out of practice. Sorry, but I have to quote your post to remember what I'm going to write about. xD

Hi there! I'm not exactly sure where to post this, as there's no general forum feature section. So if staff wants to move this to a better section that they see fit, that would be great :). This is just a small feature that popped up in my head a minute ago:
Blamph said:
One thing I've always loved about Reddit is that you can sort posts in a thread by newest, top (most popular), oldest, etc. When the forum gets its next big makeover, if this hasn't been put into the to do list, I think a feature like this would be greatly appreciate by all of us frequent forum browsers. Often times I find that I missed a thread that became popular, and I don't have the time or even the patience to sit and look through all of the posts. Having a post sorting feature would be amazing for those who want to see things like the top liked comments (usually the most meaningful or funny).
While I was typing this, another forum feature popped up into my head that might be useful. A way to see and sort through the hottest topics of the day, without having to search manually for a fairly long time. I've missed the chance to post on quite a few controversial and great threads while they were still active, because I simply wasn't online during the time that the majority of the people were posting on them. This led them to falling onto page 2-3, and I'll admit, I don't usually bother going to those pages.

So essentially, it'd provide an easy way to find discussions and threads that receive a lot of comments... hm....
well, there goes the 3 hours a day that I used to spend refreshing the New Posts pages 1-8. xD

I've only gone on Reddit about three times in my life, so I don't really know much about it, but... I guess its pretty interesting? o.o
As for the idea itself, I do support it - Yes, there will be random threads like forum games that get a lot of posts and end up on the list, but still! IT WOULD GET RID OF SOOO MANY CLAN THREADS!!! O_O

pls add

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