This was a day not too long ago when I "Jam0919" played a game on SG Highway. I started off well, got my route so on so fourth. It was a 1v1 in deathmatch, I had about 5 or 6 kills that game so I went in to deathmatch looked at my opponent and saw that he had the same gear as me; Full iron etc. Now I went in to fight him and he was hacking so I used my enderpearl I got sponsored during the game to go up to the helicopter, I landed in the webs he now spammed me and I was on 3 hearts when he ran out of arrows so I was confident I could wait it out because there were only 15 seconds to go, with 3 seconds to go I was on 3.5 hearts and fell down and died only to the hackers amusement he replied with "gg 10".