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Added :3IGN: rangaah (please make a clan banner from my skin which is rangaah, Fat_Noob and n3rd.
Why do you want art from me?: really would help my clan out.
Type (Banner, Profile, Twitter Header etc): Banner, please make the text say Titans.
Favorite color?: Green.
Added! (That's a lot of favorite colors)IGN: starstrong
Why do you want art from me?: Because apparently you're good
Type (Banner, Profile, Twitter Header etc): banner
Favorite color?: lightblue/purple/darkblue/aqua
Added to the queue, thanks for posting!IGN: Just use Kyu, this is my future IGN
Why do you want art from me?: I need someone to make me a profile picture. My profile picture is kind of old so ye. Plus, your art looks very good which is why I want to get one of your artworks.
Type (Banner, Profile, Twitter Header etc): Profile
Favorite color?: Red and Black (Favourite Colour Combination)
Thanks so much for the free art!
IGN: AuntHelga
Why do you want art from me?: They look cool
Type (Banner, Profile, Twitter Header etc): profile
Favorite color?: light blue
I've added you to the queue.IGN: ImmortalStrqfes
Why do you want art from me?: Because i think they look really cool!
Type (Banner, Profile, Twitter Header etc): Banner
Favorite color?: Blue