As we all know, the fishing rod is an item of controversy in mcsg. Here's the main 3 reasons:
- Grants huge advantage to anyone who knows how to use it in a fight
- Can have unlimited uses if you switch to a weapon after rodding someone
- Causes unnecessarily drawn-out water fights
Argument: Maybe I'm the only one, but I find the fishing rod to simply be an unfair element of the core mcsg gameplay. I say that having it in the game just causes frustration for many new, unlearned players, and does not really improve the gameplay among pvp veterans. Why don't we purify the pvp: make it simple bow, sword, and flint&steel fights. The fishing rod glitch (or exploit, call it what you will) does devastating damage compared to just using the sword as intended, and does decidedly unfair damage when combined with a critical hit. Also, many players have voiced their dislike of water pvp and fishing rods do nothing but add another annoying element to water chases. Lastly, the unlimited uses factor sends the fishing rod over the edge of unnecessary. The glitch was already described above. From a purely objective standpoint it makes no sense to have fishing rods so freely available in the game, for the reasons listed. So...
Proposition: Remove fishing rods from chests. OR at least test it out on a portion of the servers to see if people are happy with the change. Yes, I know fishing rods can be made with 3 sticks and 2 string, but at least they would be
much less common if crafting was the only way to obtain them. Personally I think it would be best to just remove string as well, so fishing rods simply won't be available.
Thanks for reading. I only wish for the pvp here to improve, for myself and others. I don't want this thread to turn into any kind of flame war, but I do wish to pose this request. Have a good day.