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Firepedia - The Ultimate Guide to Anything and Everything


Jan 6, 2014
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Welcome to Firepedia!
This guide will be frequently updated over time.
Please enjoy :)

So, you want to freshen up your sword-to-sword skills? Or perhaps need some chest routes? Or maybe you want to know exactly how much damage you will take from a stone sword crit with full iron? Or maybe you don't know what the word "crit" means? We've got it all! And don't worry, you'll be reking Gravey4rd in no time with my help!
This is a full-out guide. I will do my best to put EVERYTHING here.

Joining a game
I'm going to start out with the very basic stuff, for the noobies. To connect to the servers, create a new server in your server list. In the space where it says Server Address, type "us.mcgamer.net." If you do not live in the United States, your other options are "eu.mcgamer.net" if you live in Europe/United Kingdom. For Australia/New Zealand, it's "au.mcgamer.net." And finally, if you live in Canada, yours should be "ca.mcgamer.net."
Now that you have connected to the MCGamer servers, feel free to look around and admire the hub! If you would rather get right into the bloodbath of Survival Games, right click on your compass. It should be in your first inventory slot. Click the bow, and you will be teleported to the Survival Games section of the servers! You will see 3 walls, all having a large amount of signs on them. Each sign represents a different server! If you head all the way to your left, you can see that the very first sign in the upper left says "SG1." This means it is the very first server. Each of the signs will either say "Lobby," "Pre-game," or "In-game." To join a game, you can click a sign that says it is currently in lobby. Not just any lobby, though! Chances are you are not a donor if you have just joined the server for the first time. See those little numbers on the sign, too? It should say a number out of 24. This is how many people are currently on the server. You cannot join servers that say 24/24 unless you are a donor like me :) So either click a sign that says something less than 24/24, or go to the center and click the sign that automatically takes you into a game. Now, you are in the lobby waiting for a game to start! There are many activities, such as parkour, running in circles, more parkour, and typing "Team at cake room!" But that's for another time.

Starting the game!
After you have waited for the lobby countdown time to finish, you will find yourself placed in a circle with all the other tributes. In the middle of this circle are chests! These chests are important! They are called Tier 2. They have very valuable items in them, and other tributes are willing to kill to get them!
There will be a countdown timer of 30 seconds. When this timer runs out, you will be allowed to step off your pedestal! Don't hang around though, anyone is allowed to kill anyone at this point. You can either sprint for the cornucopia and try to grab chests, or simply run away. Most tributes have what is called a chest route. This is a series of chests that they know the locations of. They go directly to these chests to get geared up after the cornucopia. Good chest routes have lots of tier 2's!

So what do I do now?
Now you are trying to win the game! Except in rare cases, you win the game by being the only tribute left alive. Don't just try to kill people with nothing but a wooden axe. You must spend time looking for chests and getting yourself geared up. Food is also an important part of the game, although it is usually not that difficult to find. Make sure to eat regularly, you don't want to be attacked up on with 4 hunger bars missing!

Basic Combat
Sword-to-sword tips:
Aim for the feet! I believe the feet have a particularly large hitbox, so you have a higher chance of getting the hit. Also if you are always aiming down, it's easier to do a panic flint-and-steel.

I'm tired. Will continue later today. I know today I just wrote a bunch of stuff that 99.9% of people will already know but it feels good to have gotten the basics down.
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