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Feels thread


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
I thought it was gonna be some weird 18+ stuff... I was wrong. Good story though.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sure a lot of you have read this before, but might as well share my story, since it has many feelz.

From an early point in my life (around 7-8 years old), I developed Depression, and alongside it several other mental issues as time progressed over the next 8-9 years. Being younger at the time, I was easily attached to things, making anything an easy target for me to cling to to make me feel better about myself.

The main thing I clung to was a Latias; my first Latias as a matter of fact, that I caught in Sapphire a few months after the game's release. I quickly became obsessed with the idea that she was real, to a point where I legitimately believed she was. Every night I'd hug my pillow pretending it was her just to keep me comfort, or I'd play a board game against myself acting like she was on the other end. She protected me from the bullshit that was "The Real World", and allowed me to escape to a place with little to no worry.

Fast Forward to 2011. Latias sits comfortably in my Pokemon Platinum Cartridge as I pack for a Family Trip to Disney World Orlando. I only had 10 minutes left to pack, so I quickly stuffed my DS and game cartridges into my Luggage instead of my Backpack. We arrive at the Logan Airport in Boston, check our bags, and head to the Terminal. Mid- Flight I realize that I packed my DS in the wrong bag. As I panic, my parents (who only learned about my depression in Feb. 2014), tell me that I'll be fine and that I can grab it after. I was pretty uncomfortable about it, but just slept it off for the next 2 hours.

I get the the Hotel and open my bags. There's a slight cracking sound as I open it, only to find my DSlite broken (EDIT: I found it while looking around, it still works somewhat, barely charges) and both my Sapphire Cartridge and my Platinum Cartridgeshattered into pieces. I run to the bathroom and sob quietly, attempting to keep my family from knowing something was wrong. An hour later, I come out from the bathroom, wrap up the shattered pieces in my shirt, and hide them deep in the trash. I pushed all of my feeling and emotions down in denial for the next week as I act as if nothing happened.

Only when I get back home from the trip do I realize she's gone.

Fast Forward again to Early 2014. My grades in school have plummeted with no reasoning, my parents find out about my depression, and my life generally goes to Good, and within the next few months, I would be hospitalized several times for being suicidal.

I eventually found Twitch Plays Pokemon, which acted as a great distraction from everything that had been going on. I became obsessed with the fanmade lore, I'd watch youtube video after youtube video listening to everyone's theories and stories. Because of all the videos I'd been watching, several Pokemon movies showed up in my recommended list, including Pokemon Heroes.

I put them all on in order, trying my best to entertain myself. When I came up on movie 5 and saw the scene where Latias comes out from her disguise as Bianca, I burst into tears. Over 5 years worth of memories flooded me in one single moment the second I saw her appear on the screen.

For the next 3-4 hours, I simply sat in my desk chair crying until I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I asked my parents to come out with me and buy a 3DS and Pokemon X, which I then poured 700 hours into over the coming months.

I am without a doubt convinced that if I had not found that movie and not seen Latias, I would not be sitting here today.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sure a lot of you have read this before, but might as well share my story, since it has many feelz.
hey man, we're all here feeling with you and there are plenty of pokemon fanatics around here :p

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