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Explanations and ME


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Well guys, it's this time again. Boy is it hard to write this thread.

So yes, recently, I got accepted as moderator again and I resigned so soon before even getting trained. That's true. Now I'm gonna try my best to explain my thought behind this.

So, in easier words, after thinking, I guess I came back as staff thinking, you know, that I would be able to forget my demotion almost a year back. That I would come back, as if nothing every happened. I tried doing it. I tried coming on ts as a mod, forums, in game, slack as a mod. The first day was great because I missed everyone there. But after days past, I just couldn't forget what happened a year ago.

Now I sound very dramatic, but yeah, my promotion to senior staff around 9 months ago was one of the best things that have ever happened to me in basically the whole time I played Minecraft. And how it got taken away so easily was just astonishing to me.

I tried getting used to it but I couldn't. After my demotion, I went for about a month going to sleep and thinking to myself what I did wrong. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

When I came back, the memories of holding the mod rank, getting pokes on ts about hackers, being on slack, being able to join the staff channels without asking to be moved in. All the memories came back, the first time I got mod, second time, the first events I have ever hosted, my promotion to senior mod. It all came back. And the times came back where I couldn't sleep well thinking about it.

Yes, we are talking about Minecraft, the block game. The one where 12 year old come on and build dirt houses for fun. It can all seem so childish to you guys but I mean it meant so much to me. My trial squad was basically all my dearest friends there. And then getting demoted right in front of them and letting down so many people was just horrifying. It was tough.

So basically all those thoughts came back and I cracked and resigned.

Since then, I went to sleep calmly but still guilty. I have made SO many friends here. I felt so bad and I miss everyone already. But I know that if I come back it will start again, and already I'll look weird for applying for the fourth time.

This isn't a goodbye thread, it's basically explaining the situation. I will be trying my best to stick around the community until MCGamer one day is no longer around. It's basically my child hood home in a way if you compare it to Minecraft. If you understand what I'm trying to say. Staff wise, it's time for me to move out and find myself my own place to live.

I'd like to thank all the people that were closest to me here. (And I won't be tagging anyone just cause I feel guilty doing so, so hopefully these people fall onto this thread.)

Frankyy - So we haven't known each other for the longest of times. But you apparently like my singing voice and you're just so nice and you're such an awesome person. I love you buddy <3

Vigilo - Buddy! You were one of my real first friends in the staff. We built RTR from the ground up to becoming one of the events with the most people attending (I'm referring to the time we got like 70 people on. ) Love you <3

Yannick - You were yet another of my trial buddies and you've made it so far. We talked quite a bit and I mean you were really funny and filled with energy. Love ya <3

Ceroria - Bro you're just awesome. Smart, quick on his feet, all in all great. You're awesome love ya <3

Pyrrhic - You were yet another of my good friends here and you were really fun to talk with on ts and you're awesome! Love ya <3

Axanite - DEV BUDDY. Hope you're unbanned off ts lol. Stop evading you're ban. But ya, again, you were one of my closest buds and I'll forever love you for that.

Tiger - Same goes for you dev bud! You were awesome. Love ya <3

Giggums - You da best OMN host. You're also really fun to talk to and you're awesome. Love ya <3


MrMets - Bro you were like one of the first people to accept RTR into the community and I'll always remember you my man. Love ya <3

Nephilim - (Im gonna tag u cause idk where u r lol) Ur such a turdis. Jk well u built me a tardis in a hub enough said <3 Love ya <3

Nick (im gonna slide u in here even tho i always talk to u and my dad already met with u b4 me lol. but yeh minecon in like 50 days woop woop)



Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm still broken up over the fact that your trial had to end the way it did, and I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. I must say that once it gets past 12am my mind will occasionally wander over to thinking about this server and a lot of matters keep my mind busy for a while making it hard to fall asleep even though I resigned five months ago and haven't really played for fun in well over a year.

Hopefully you can find peaceful sleep :^)

Thanks for the kind remarks buddy <3

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