Lol, i challenge you to read ALL the story!
(I doubt many will
Well even if you all probably know where my name comes from, it acutally has a longer stor thna just one of the levels in The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask....
The name came from when i used to play Runescape (which i stopped playing at the end of last year
) the original name or my Runescape account was Franl145 (Fran because thats the nickname for my name (Francisco) the "l" for the first letter of my last name and the 145 was because a friend of mine created the acount for me and since our school group is the number 145 of the school since it was founded he put it into my username) and back then when i created it you couldnt change usernames. But one day Jagex (the developer of Runescape) made an update that allowed the players to change usernames, and even if i didnt really want to my friends told me to do it just for fun, so i did
After that second username, i decided to change it again, and since at that moment, i was playing Majoras Mask again on an emulator, i decided to change my username to the name of the place i liked the most on the game, IkanaCanyon
(the 7 has never had any purpose, i just put it because i could even if now i regert it because i prefer usernames without numbers
I never acutally planned to keep the username, but as people started to know me with that name and call me "Ikana" i decided to keep it just so new people wouldnt get confused when seeing me be called "Ikana"... And so it was, that after that i started putting that username to almos every account i made
Gratz if you actually read all of this! XD