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Exodus | US Team

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Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score

So, it seems as that many members are quitting now, which is totally understandable.

We had a "Co-Owner" Rank when we just launched. I put NoobyGamingHD and MinedAndCrafted5 into that position. This decision

was the biggest mistake of my life to be honest! NoobyGamingHD has had problems with plenty of clans and knowing that I shouldn't

have put him under Co-Owner. But I did anyways. Later on today, me and TopBandit (New Leader) had a talk about this stuff and

decided to demote Both Nooby and Mined. Not because we hate them, but because of their maturity level. If you guys were in my

shoes, you would most likely do the exact same! As a Co-Owner, they should be showing actions that satisfy the members, and they

weren't possessing those acts! After a HUGE update, many started to leave. Our Roster size has went down to 25 again and we've

changed our prerequisite! We may get lots of hate for this, but there is no way I'm letting this clan down. If you guys can't show SOME

maturity, I don't know how this will look on your MCSG History. For those who left, as I mentioned in the skype chat, there will be no

"Second Chance" That was a final decision by me. Now please don't flood this thread with flame wars, that's not what it's meant for, if

you have any issues, just P.M me. Nooby, don't bother sending me another message on skype, I won't even take a look at it, not to

be a jerk, but from what you've done... I don't think a friendship between the two of us is possible.



District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
So, it seems as that many members are quitting now, which is totally understandable.

We had a "Co-Owner" Rank when we just launched. I put NoobyGamingHD and MinedAndCrafted5 into that position. This decision

was the biggest mistake of my life to be honest! NoobyGamingHD has had problems with plenty of clans and knowing that I shouldn't

have put him under Co-Owner. But I did anyways. Later on today, me and TopBandit (New Leader) had a talk about this stuff and

decided to demote Both Nooby and Mined. Not because we hate them, but because of their maturity level. If you guys were in my

shoes, you would most likely do the exact same! As a Co-Owner, they should be showing actions that satisfy the members, and they

weren't possessing those acts! After a HUGE update, many started to leave. Our Roster size has went down to 25 again and we've

changed our prerequisite! We may get lots of hate for this, but there is no way I'm letting this clan down. If you guys can't show SOME

maturity, I don't know how this will look on your MCSG History. For those who left, as I mentioned in the skype chat, there will be no

"Second Chance" That was a final decision by me. Now please don't flood this thread with flame wars, that's not what it's meant for, if

you have any issues, just P.M me. Nooby, don't bother sending me another message on skype, I won't even take a look at it, not to

be a jerk, but from what you've done... I don't think a friendship between the two of us is possible.

Good battle today. I wasn't able to make it but some of my members said the battle was nice. Good luck to this clan.


Nov 15, 2013
Reaction score
So, it seems as that many members are quitting now, which is totally understandable.

We had a "Co-Owner" Rank when we just launched. I put NoobyGamingHD and MinedAndCrafted5 into that position. This decision

was the biggest mistake of my life to be honest! NoobyGamingHD has had problems with plenty of clans and knowing that I shouldn't

have put him under Co-Owner. But I did anyways. Later on today, me and TopBandit (New Leader) had a talk about this stuff and

decided to demote Both Nooby and Mined. Not because we hate them, but because of their maturity level. If you guys were in my

shoes, you would most likely do the exact same! As a Co-Owner, they should be showing actions that satisfy the members, and they

weren't possessing those acts! After a HUGE update, many started to leave. Our Roster size has went down to 25 again and we've

changed our prerequisite! We may get lots of hate for this, but there is no way I'm letting this clan down. If you guys can't show SOME

maturity, I don't know how this will look on your MCSG History. For those who left, as I mentioned in the skype chat, there will be no

"Second Chance" That was a final decision by me. Now please don't flood this thread with flame wars, that's not what it's meant for, if

you have any issues, just P.M me. Nooby, don't bother sending me another message on skype, I won't even take a look at it, not to

be a jerk, but from what you've done... I don't think a friendship between the two of us is possible.

Wow, I thought u were my friend, I left not cuz of u but someone else and I'm sad that we can't be friends :( please give me a second chance on our friendship


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
As an elite member of this clan I really want all the flame gone. Keep it to yourselves on skype or pms this is a clan forum. Keep personal matters personal.


Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:cardenas_torito,xSwifftyHD,cristian510
Wins:68 all together
Time Zone: pacific
Donor:gold on cardenas
Rate yourself 1/10: 6.5
PvP Strengths:rod,fns,sword
PvP Weaknesses:bow
Why would you like to join?yolo sweg
If accepted, would you be committed? hell yez tehhe
Previous Clan:#optimum #Thecornstealers
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