• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


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Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score

Hey, my name is Le0ntin and this is my first clan, if you manage to become a member, which i encourage, then you can make the clan better by giving me advice and tips!

So please bare in mind that this is EU but in the future if I get to know AU, US and CA users better you might get a Staff role and can handle to make Savage to other divisions but as of now it's EU only.

Savage Teamspeak: ts3.voicehosting.it:13139

Application Status: Open

* Clan Wars - WINS: 1 - LOSSES: 0 - Pending: 1 *

Savage vs Astral [Clan got disbanded]

Marko will take over the leadership for some time now.

Most of the things got explained above I really hope, BUT here is some more general information that is essential for you to not get kicked.

First of all
  • We only do clan wars twice a week, if it's not enough for you, Sir, then you'll have to find another clan who would suit your needs.
  • We are a friendly clan who dosen't take everything to seriously BUT maturity is always a plus to get the higher roles.
  • If you would like to join it's essential for you to read the MCGamer Rules if you haven't read them yet, don't apply, we will find out if you still haven't read them, we wan't you to read them to secure a spot in the clan.

  • Don't ask for higher roles they will get applied to you whenever we feel you meet the requirements of becoming one, the requirements are a secret.
  • Do not post anything unrelated and/ or irrelevant in this thread, it's only being used for applicants!
  • Do not use any kind of modded client unless the mod is allowed by MCGamer!
  • All rules that are in MCGamer Rules thread apply here so please follow them or consequences will occur!

  • Be happy, if you can't be happy please consider learning to have fun.

The stages are quite simple!
So the first thing you do in order to become a part of the clan is to submit a nice looking application which you submit in a comment in this thread!
After you submitted your template either me or a Leader of #Savage will go over your application in depth and see if you're qualified of becoming a member. There are three stages on the application which are:

Closed: This means you didn't use the correct template or is just a troll.
: Unfortunately you did not meet our requirements and therefore got denied, please re-apply when you meet the requirements.
Pending: You have made a good application and we need to look over it.
Accepted: Final stage, and you have been accepted to Savage! :)

  • You need to be on the EU division at the moment, might change in the future!
  • Skype for general chatting and to be able to communicate as a team on the clan battles!
  • 100 Wins, BUT if you have 90 wins out of 2000 games you must not worry, exceptions will be taken gladly!
  • DON'T LIE - We have ways to find out the truth!
  • DO NOT BREAK THE RULES IN ANY WAY! This applies to MCGamer in general
  • Do not hack!
  • Respect other members!
  • Use common sense
  • Know the basic techniques in PvP
  • At least 200 games!
  • We prefer if you have a donor rank, if not it's fine!
  • You must agree to our terms if not, your application will get Declined automatically.

    • Full Name:
    • IGN:
    • Skype name:
    • Wins:
    • Games:
    • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have)
    • Past clan experiences?
    • Why do you want to join this clan?
    • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage?
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG?
  • I [ Insert name here ] agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. You must of read the MCGamer Rules if we find out you've not read them you will get instantly removed from the clan and will (unfortunately) get blacklisted, so make sure to read
Full Name: Isac Rasmusson
IGN: Le0ntin
Wins: 206
Games: 1789
Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have) Yes, but it isn't a donor rank, it is infact a Staff Rank.
Past clan experiences? Yes, I've worked with #Clan1 and a little with #Clan2
Why do you want to join this clan? I would love to join the clan because of I am usually bored and woud love to have some fun!
Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage? I am the owner! (Dont write that)
What is your favourite maps on MCSG? Alaskan Village, Holiday Resort, Survival Games 4, Zone 85 and Origins...
I Isac agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. You must of read the MCGamer Rules if we find out you've not read them you will get instantly removed from the clan and will (unfortunately) get blacklisted, so make sure to read

In the agreement be sure to have your real first name.

Current spots filled: 6/20

* Owner *
Le0 - IGN: leontin2012

* Leaders *
JaviGBU - IGN: JaviGBU

Lion0129 - IGN: Lion0129

* Head Officers *

ViolentKitten - IGN: ViolentKitten

* GFX Designers *

* Hall Of Fame *
Sander - IGN

* Members *




I'm not sure if he will be back so please don't order within the range of 5 weeks to ensure you're getting what you want, I'll be updating this topic if he decides to come back.

Want some cheap, fast and reliable place to buy graphics then check out P1XL GFX shop to the right - Store

Minotar API
Cool Texts
KingSander201 for making our banner!

Last edited:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
  • Skype name:frent.ianis
  • Wins:90
  • Games:3000
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have)-None
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10?-idk 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7-8
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10?-10 mlg pro XD
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10?-8-9 kinda like that
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG?-SG4,Turbulence,Valleyside and others.
  • I LuckyGamerRo agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: MahoganyCrafter
Skype name: You already have my Skype

  • Wins: 48
  • Games: 1492
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have) No rank
  • Past clan experiences? - I do not have any past clan experiences
    • Why do you want to join this clan? - Because I would like to improve at PvP
    • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage? - I may not be completely qualified, but I know chest routes and various other PvP tactics. (If you look at my stats page on the leaderboards, you will see that I have won a fair amount of games within the past few days)
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10? - 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 6
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7.5
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10? - 6.5
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG? - SG1, Teweran SG1, Return To Moonbase, Icarus Fallen, Valleyside.
  • I MahoganyCrafter agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)
Last edited:


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
  • Skype name:frent.ianis
  • Wins:90
  • Games:3000
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have)-None
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10?-idk 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7-8
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10?-10 mlg pro XD
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10?-8-9 kinda like that
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG?-SG4,Turbulence,Valleyside and others.
  • I LuckyGamerRo agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)
I am very sorry about it but you have been Declined you may reapply. The reason is that i didn't fully make the template that's why, my apologies!


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN:LuckyGamerRo
  • Skype name:frent.ianis
  • Wins:90
  • Games:3000
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have)-Nope
  • Past clan experiences?-RevangeEu,FantasyEu and others.
  • Why do you want to join this clan?-Because its a good clan,a new one that i feel that it could give me a chance.
  • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage?-Because i fit the requirements.
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10?-8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10?-10 out of 10 baby
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10?-9
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG?-SG4,Valleyside University,Turbulence.
  • I LuckyGamerRo agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: MahoganyCrafter
Skype name: You already have my Skype

  • Wins: 48
  • Games: 1492
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have) No rank
  • Past clan experiences? - I do not have any past clan experiences
    • Why do you want to join this clan? - Because I would like to improve at PvP
    • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage? - I may not be completely qualified, but I know chest routes and various other PvP tactics. (If you look at my stats page on the leaderboards, you will see that I have won a fair amount of games within the past few days)
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10? - 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 6
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10? - 7.5
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10? - 6.5
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG? - SG1, Teweran SG1, Return To Moonbase, Icarus Fallen, Valleyside.
  • I MahoganyCrafter agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)
You have been set to 1v1 congratulations! First you will get a 1v1 match against me on a 1v1 server you will receive a PM on Skype! And after that you will get to the Accepted for trial stage where we play 2 games and discuss if you will become a member!


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN:LuckyGamerRo
  • Skype name:frent.ianis
  • Wins:90
  • Games:3000
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have)-Nope
  • Past clan experiences?-RevangeEu,FantasyEu and others.
  • Why do you want to join this clan?-Because its a good clan,a new one that i feel that it could give me a chance.
  • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage?-Because i fit the requirements.
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10?-8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10?-7
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10?-10 out of 10 baby
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10?-9
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG?-SG4,Valleyside University,Turbulence.
  • I LuckyGamerRo agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)

Thanks for applying, we have come to a conclusion and we thought why not give you shot ey? So congratulations you made it to 1v1 you will receive a PM on skype shortly!


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: JaviGBU
  • Skype name: You know it :)
  • Wins: 88
  • Games: 2406
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have) Platinum
  • Past clan experiences? SweetPvP , and some other spanish clans c:
  • Why do you want to join this clan? Cause i like to join a clan c:
  • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage? Because i'm a decent pvper and i think that i can work good in a team :)
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10? 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 6
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10? 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10? 7
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG? SG4 , alaskan , Teweran SG2
  • I JaviGBU agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: JaviGBU
  • Skype name: You know it :)
  • Wins: 88
  • Games: 2406
  • Donor Rank? (Yes or No, also say which rank you have) Platinum
  • Past clan experiences? SweetPvP , and some other spanish clans c:
  • Why do you want to join this clan? Cause i like to join a clan c:
  • Why do you believe that you are qualified to join #Savage? Because i'm a decent pvper and i think that i can work good in a team :)
  • What would you rate yourself on Melee in a scale of 1 - 10? 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 7
  • What would you rate yourself on [Short distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 9
  • What would you rate yourself on [Long distance] bow in a scale of 1 - 10? 6
  • What would you rate yourself on FNS (Flint and Steel) in a scale of 1 - 10? 8
  • What would you rate yourself on Strafe in a scale of 1 - 10? 7
  • What is your favourite maps on MCSG? SG4 , alaskan , Teweran SG2
  • I JaviGBU agree to that if i break any of the rules in #Savage clan i can get demoted or removed from the clan. We are not responsible if anything happens to you (Personal issues etc) And if you break the rules you will get blacklisted from our clan and may never join again in the future. (Rare but exceptions may occur on this one)
Your application is now set to Pending! Congratulations :)
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