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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
chairladder pls!!!!!!!!!!111<33333333333333


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: I am 14
1. Wins / Games played: pevasty: 500+/2070+ YoureTanked_: 5+/15+ On hive i have 412/1550 for pevasty and on YoureTanked i have 65/200
2. Residence (country): I am English
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): PevastyFTW
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I am applying for this clan because i would like to meet different people, instead of joining clans with my friends. I havent really met any players in this clan and i would love to meet you guys to try to make some new friends and maybe i can improve my pvp by playing with you awesome guys.
5. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because, in my opinion, i am quite good at pvp. I am also mature but i do like to have a bit of fun when it is appropriate.
6. How will you benefit this clan: I will benefit this clan by bringing even better PVP into this clan and maybe i can help you guys win even more clan battles. I could show you some of my pvp tricks to maybe even improve you guys.
7. How active are you: I am very active, but i do have a hive clan to run but i will try to play about 1-3 hours a day.
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: None
10. Have you teamed with the members before: I have teamed with NiggleWiggle before, me and him are good friends, but apart from that there are none.
11. Past clan experience: Well i've been in TeamSypher since i have returned from Hive.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: I couldn't decide between YES/NO so i chose MAYBE
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES
14. How would you rate yourself PvP wise? Out of 10 i would probably rate it 8/10
16. Describe your playstyle, tactics, weaknesses, strengths. etc.: My playstyle is attacking when i have more gear than the other guy and i am on the upper hand but i play defensive when i am under-decked and i am low. My tactics are to turn around when the person chasing me doesnt expect it, i have used this tactic for ages and i never really die when i use it. One of my strengths is the flint and steel because i can place it accurately and i can dodge it. I am good at surprising my opponent because i can turn around quickly and get good combo's on him the fishing rod technique and my ping. I am saying now i am not a ping abuser. My weakness is the bow. On my day i can be one of the best bowmen, but usually i am not every accurate with it but i can hit bow shots on the person. I am also not very good when i play with cold hands as i cannot click very fast.
17. Describe your personality (not video-game wise): I am not shy, and i am quite mature. If i am not on skype, its because im playing football, thats right i play football, or i am out with my family.
18. Do you think you'll fit in: I think i do fit in, and i hope you think i do to. I hope i fit in at the clan a=because i would love to stay here for a while.
18. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I would mind too much if i was to be declined and i wouldnt bug you on skype or on this thread. No not really
19. Any additional information:No not really apart from the fact i luv you guys <3

I, pevasty will thereby agree to follow the EndGamers rules and regulations™ and keep my word to the application written above.
Hai dere. Just wondering, have your read ALL of the info about the clan? (Its before the first question :p
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