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EU Clan Wars | Season 1

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District 13
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score

The iconic 'Clan Wars' event has endured many iterations, but until now has only been hosted on private servers in the US and has involved primarily US clans. Now, with permission from relevant US authorities, the event is at last being brought to the EU community.

The event is held in order to provide a format not dissimilar to clan battles regularly contested on MCSG, but better: battles are not tainted by luck elements such as random players like they are on MCSG. Therefore, the event will force clans to show the true extent of their abilities in thrilling team fights, with victorious clans exulting in their supremacy.

- All battles will be hosted on a private server.
- The server and SG plugin are currently being acquired. Any contribution, be it through monetary donations or advice, is greatly appreciated.
- There will be no NoCheat, however there will be an autoclicker detection plugin.
- All battles will be a minimum of a 6v6, with 7v7 and 8v8 where possible.
- The tournament will consist of either 8 clans or 16 clans, depending on the number of applications.
- A different map will be selected each week from the forum's 'Finished Maps' section. The map will be announced a week in advance of the battles to give teams time to prepare routes.
- All rounds before the semi finals and finals will be a BO5. The semi finals will be a BO7 and finals will be a BO9.

- Hacking or cheating in any form will not be tolerated in this event. If a member of your clan is caught cheating, your clan will be disqualified from the tournament.
- Players participating in Clan Wars must be a member of your clan. Trial members will not be allowed to play.
- You may play for only one clan for the duration of the tournament. If your clan loses or is disqualified you may not play for another one.
- Do not cause flame on the forums or in game. All issues should be brought to the Clan Wars Staff.
- For a time change to be official, both teams must confirm the date/time change on the thread and with members of Clan Wars Staff (Sr. Staff or higher).
- If there is proof of a server glitch (e.g. Server Crashing, Stopping, Kicking, Invisibility, and Invincibility), the round will be redone.
- All decisions made by Clan Wars Staff are final and must be respected by all clans.

Clan Application:
Clan Name:
Clan Leader:
How many members are in your clan?
How long have you been around?
Clan Thread?
Do you agree to all of the Rules?

Staff Application:
Clan Experience:
Current Clan:
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form]

Austin | Austin_HG | Hovis Bread

Ronnie | RonnieBond123 | Typhoon
Ryan | Techaton | Vendetta
Sawk | Sawk | Typhoon

Sr Staff:
Jonny | RasclartsRELOADED | Rasclarts
Extract | xExtract | Rasclarts
Scout | Scout | Hovis Bread

Peryglus | Peryglus | Rasclarts
Andreas | AW1996 | Radiation
Norwz | Norwz | Ascendancy
Cheeze | Sander | Emperors
Silf | Silf | Ismerize

Frizzy | George | ItsFrizzy | Lycaon
Rex | rex5826 | Typhoon

Nathan | 001nathan100 | Typhoon

Rasclarts | RasclartsRELOADED
Emperors | Sander
Typhoon | Typhoon
Ismerize | Ismerize
Glacial | ZeN | Mark
Ascendancy | Narwhal
Delusion | Jdennis
Lycaon | LycaonReborn
Vion | TeamVion
Insurgent | InsurgentClann
Radiation | Radiation
WarGodz | WarGodzEU
RektLife | GhostPros
Hovis Bread | HovisBread
NoCry | FlamyBoy
Brutal | EgeJP




R1: Saturday 5th / Sunday 6th

Glacial vs Lycaon - Saturday 3:00pm GMT
Delusion vs Vion - Saturday 4:30pm GMT
Ismerize vs RektLife - Saturday 6:00pm GMT
Emperors vs WarGodz - Saturday 7:30pm GMT

Acendancy vs Brutal - Sunday 2:30pm GMT
Radiation vs Hovis Bread - Sunday 4:00pm GMT
Typhoon vs NoCry - Sunday 5:30pm GMT
Rasclarts vs Insurgent - Sunday 7:00pm GMT
R2: Saturday 12th / Sunday 13th

Typhoon vs Hovis Bread - Saturday 3:00pm GMT
Emperors vs Brutal - Saturday 5:00pm GMT
Rasclarts vs Vion - Saturday 7:00pm GMT

Ismerize vs Glacial - Sunday 3:45pm GMT
Semi-Finals: Sunday 20th

Hovis Bread vs Emperors - Sunday 5:00pm GMT
Rasclarts vs Ismerize - Sunday 7:00pm GMT
Final: Saturday 26th / Sunday 27th

Recorders' Perspectives:

Glacial vs Lycaon
Delusion vs Vion
Ismerize vs RektLife
Emperors vs WarGodz

Ascendancy vs Brutal

Radiation vs Hovis Bread
Typhoon vs NoCry
Rasclarts vs Insurgent
Typhoon vs Hovis Bread
Emperors vs Brutal
Coming Soon
Rasclarts vs Vion
Ismerize vs Glacial

Community Perspectives (SUBMIT YOUR OWN!):

Glacial vs Lycaon
Submit your own!
Delusion vs Vion
Submit your own!
Ismerize vs RektLife
Submit your own!
Emperors vs WarGodz
cheezedoodles [POV]: https://youtu.be/Zp8UP4zP2PU
Ascendancy vs Brutal
rex5826 [3rd]: https://youtu.be/A7fF1KOs4xM
Radiation vs Hovis Bread
Coming Soon
Typhoon vs NoCry
rex5826 [POV]: https://youtu.be/vnNL1IsuSRo
InspireLight [POV]: https://youtu.be/TOM991EA7rM
Rasclarts vs Insurgent
Extract [POV]: https://youtu.be/huqR4z-do5M
Peryglus [POV]: https://youtu.be/Zx9MLoiYI7I
Twistology [POV]: https://youtu.be/CPRi_hSbWRQ
RONNIEBONDAGE [3rd]: https://youtu.be/CBU7W6n-vCM

Owner's MVP -
Player of the Tournament -
Fairest Clan -
Best Single Play -
Best Victory -
Best Underdog Clan -
Best Underdog Player -
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