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EU Clan Leaderboards

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Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Clan Name: Phronesis | EU
Clan Thread (Link): Thread
Clan Leader's Forum Name: PhronesisEU
Clan Leader's Skype: andreas.worringer and christiannowak98 ( Puppy is already in the EUCLB chat )
Clan TeamSpeak:
Our Forum Accounts Tagged: NotCanziano Eskild|Quadrum_
Clan Name: Insurgent
Clan Thread (Link): http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/insurgent-eu.155757/
Clan Leader's Forum Name: ThunderDeath3109 - Pokemine89
Clan Leader's Skype: ThunderDeath3109 - Pokemine89
Clan TeamSpeak: (It's Okay If You Don't Have One Yet) : ts3.voicehosting.it:14137
Our Forum Accounts Tagged: ThunderDeath3109 PokeMine89
Clan Name: ZincBox
Clan Thread (Link): http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/zincbox-us-eu-division.155977/
Clan Leader's Forum Name: SuperMCSam
Clan Leader's Skype: Paarthmc
Clan TeamSpeak: (It's Okay If You Don't Have One Yet) : BattleRealms.no-ip.org
Our Forum Accounts Tagged: SuperMCSam
All accepted, welcome to the leaderboards.


Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score

Thanks to Soul for creating this! And also thanks to Austin_HG for setting this up. And also to Timmaaaah for helping run this.

Welcome to the EU Clan Leaderboards!
If you would like a shot at this event, fill out this application!

Clan Name:
Clan Thread (Link)
Clan Leader's Forum Name:
Clan Leader's Skype:
Clan TeamSpeak: (It's Okay If You Don't Have One Yet)
Our Forum Accounts Tagged: NotCanziano Eskild|Quadrum_

- Battles will be carried out on MCSG servers.
- Each battle will play under these rules with the exception of rule 14. Also, these rules will be implemented:
- The battle will be a First To 5
- The minimum amount of people per battle is a 3v3. If a team lacks the amount of people at the date of the battle, they must play with a disadvantage for it is their fault.
- Any maps may be chosen, but must be agreed upon by both teams. If maps cannot be decided, then the 7 default maps will be: Valleyside, SG4, Chernobyl, Holiday, Highway, Turbulence, and TSG2.
- The only way to move up the leader boards is by challenging the clan above your clan. Once the enemy clan has been challenged, the battle MUST be planned within 48 hours and played within the next 7 days or your clan will automatically be moved up a spot. The same goes if a clan challenges your team. If your team is challenged, the battle MUST planned within 48 hours and played in the next 7 days or your clan will move down a spot. Once the date and time has been set, there will be NO CHANGES WHATSOEVER. If a clan declines the challenge, it will not count as a forfeit, but the clan will go down a spot.
- If any clan loses, they must wait 3 days in order to challenge the same clan again.
- Clans can challenge clans below them, but will lose their spot and move below the challenged clan if they lose.
- Any clan must be able to clan battle AT MOST twice on one day. There might be an occasion where they will have to fight the clan they challenged and the clan that challenged them. (Ex. Rivals (Rank 3) must fight Rebels (Rank 2) and Trivium (Rank 4) on the same day, if scheduled that way.)
- Once two clans have battled, they will both send me the results of the battle. (Ex. Rebels vs Trivium - 5:2 Rebels) These results will be shown on the news for EVERYONE to see, but will be taken down the following week.
- 2 minute grace period at the start of the Clan War
- 2 spectators per clan, including any friend(s) of the participating clans.
- Once a lobby has entered into pre-game, the match will be officially in motion, EXCEPT in the case which a team is represented by a disadvantage in lobby and has taken this disadvantage into pre-game. In this case scenario, the disadvantaged team will be allowed to pull out of the server DURING pre-game to redo the round. If the disadvantaged team does not pull out after pre-game, the round must go on.
- Postponements may only occur at 22:30 when the day after that is a school/work day or at 0:00 with the day after that being a day off.
- A restart due to a hacker will be restarted with the amount of players left at the time of the player dying by the hacker.
- No using "reserve players". The leaderboards are supposed to show a clan's skill, not their abilty to use another clan's players.

These rules are subject to change with the agreement from the majority of the Leaders and the majority of the referees.

- The "Process" bypasses the rules stated above.
- Consequences for breaking the rules:
If any minor offences are made, then these consequences will occur.

First Offence: The round will not count and will be called off.
Second Offence: The round will be a disqualification.
Third Offence: The match will be a forfeit.

If any major offences are made (use of hacked clients, use of players that are not in your line-up), then these consequences will occur:

The match will be a forfeit.

This is what makes this fair and exciting. No clan will be able to hold a spot due to "inconveniences." I know that sometimes leaders can be missing or important assets to the clan may be in absence, but a clan shouldn't rely on a few people. A clan should be able to show their strength within every single member. This will help show current standings for the EU Clan Community and keep clans active.

Phronesis have been accepted to the leaderboards.
Insurgent have been accepted to the leaderboards.
ZincBox have been accepted to the leaderboards.
Ascendancy have challenged Emperors. You have 48 hours to reply. EmperorsReborn.

In-Game Name - Skype - Current Clan


Their job is making sure that battles are played , participating in decision making, and interviewing possible candidates for staff.

JMullins783 - xmullins17 - Phoenix
Quadrum_ - eskild.hovdenak - Phoenix


They can spectate and record battles (unless one of the teams do not want him/her to) and can judge for any battles.

ImTheNarwhal - daniel211029 - Ascendancy
xGtZz - overbergjes - The Rebels
Kallbergz - daniel-kallberg - The Rebels
KYSKILLZ - kyskillz - The Rebels
cheezedoodles - cheezedoodles.sander - Emperors
Vestregutten - vestregutten - Imagination

1 - Emperors | EmperorsReborn
2 - Ascendancy | ImTheNarwhal
3 - Rasclarts | jonnysurvives
4 - Elastic | SilfwerMannen theabacaman
5 - Solitude | TheStealthlyGame
6 - Violation | Violation
7 - Team Inspire | TeamInspire
8 - Incineration | AliPlaYzMC
9 - Mistaken | Sun_Phoenix
10 - Astral | mylilfony10 XoKristofferoX
11 - RetroReborn | jdennis2000
12 - GetShrekedV4 | GetShrekedV4
13 - ExPredators | Mirkoz
14 - Redemption | Zarmax5
15 - Xenous | itslkingjames
16 - Obelisk | Essentrix
17 - Phronesis | PhronesisEU
18 - Insurgent | ThunderDeath3109 PokeMine89
19 - ZincBox | SuperMCSam
Please remove Xenous of the leaderboards. It disbanded
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