Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
wuffygaymsApplication: [Open]
In Game Name: WolfieGames | Vepth
Skype Name (PM if you want to keep it private): actiinz but u got me
Wins: Wolfie: 150+ (over 500 on hive) Vepth: 100
Games Played: Wolfie: A lot Vepth:300
Past Clans: Eternity, Beginning, Derelicta, resolution and more
Not recommended, applied for like 10 clans.In Game Name: Jcruz1104/chashw
Skype Name (PM if you want to keep it private): jcruz1104
Wins: 49/437
Games Played: 144/3267
Past Clans: Saints, Purge, Trama, Vortex
I think this guy deserves a recommendationIn Game Name: McOrangeBurger45 / AustinPlaysPC
Skype Name (PM if you want to keep it private): You guys have it
Wins: 400+
Games Played: 4000+
Past Clans: a lot