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Errors when joining as a spec.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
When I'm joining a game in progress I have had several issues occuring randomly on different servers.
I cannot reproduce nor say what caused them. They just happen.

- Sometimes when I join a game in progress, I appear visible to players ingame. They see me and try to attack me, even talk in chat. Has happened twice now.
- I can push mobs around and it seemed like I took influence on players that were trying to jump onto the block I was standing on (The player fell several times attempting to get on the block. Cant tell if he was falling down by his own or if I blocked him. While the mob pushing was only available when I joined a game in progress, the blocking of other players was only once when I died and didnt switch from speccing the guy that killed me. When I swapped players it seemed like I did take no influence on them.
- Once so far other spectators that joined become visible when the deathmatch is starting.
- Sometimes when I join as a spectator I can spectate other people that died.
- It happened to me that some alive players were invisible or simply not at the location I was sent to when I was trying to spec them.
- The chat has some issues with showing passed players and also correct numbers of alive players when I join a game already in progress. It seems like the chat problem didnt occur for people that were already on the server the entire time. Also, sometimes some player names get mentioned twice in the deathlist:

I hope this is helping out ;)
Thanks for working so hard on this server. Obviously it's beta and none of these bugs have been severely game breaking. They are just random bugs that happen to appear from time to time.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Another bug: I dropped out of a game due to connection problems. When I logged in 3 hours later to the same server I had my items that I had when I left the game during observer mode.

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