attempting g33ke post #1
I'm an officer of the US Rebels. There are a few people who are prominent players in the US Rebels that need donor, but cannot obtain them as of this moment. I want to give back to the one clan that fostered my ability in MCSG and acted like a family to all of us. I've already bought two people donor in the clan, but I'm not able to pay any'd be great if I could give the donor to one of the Rebels.
The thing about the Rebels is being surrounded by the competition. Pretty much every single one of them are fantastic players...when I first joined, I felt like I was the weakest player. I didn't have the least amount of wins, but that's because our graphics designer (chez <3) doesn't play MCSG. I had the second least amount of wins. I wasn't that good compared to everybody else. After playing with them for a decent chunk of time, I feel like they've gotten me to a point where I can call myself decent. I've gotten kinda good with a bow, and now I'm getting somewhat decent at sword fighting.
In the beginning of the Rebels, I was shy. I barely ever said anything (some of the old players didn't even realize I was one of the first members...(well, first applicants, but I was accepted much later)) in the skype chats, and I never played any games. I argued it was because they were so good...I felt like I would be kicked out because of how nooby I was. ;-; But, now that I've gotten to know them, I can see why they're the longest running clan in MCSG. They're a very close-knit community. And, with the rise of the AU division, it seems like we're going to make new friends here shortly...(golden_spec and darkrai played a game with me. They're awesome ;D)
Being able to play with them is something that's great, and with the rise of "christmas" donors, it's hard for a normal user to play. I want them to not be kicked so I can actually play with them and enjoy their company. Especially since the person I'm planning on giving it to is ranked in the top ten of the US leaderboards...and he's getting close to going higher. It's always been one of his goals to be ranked in the top three of the US leaderboards, but without donor, it's very hard for him to actually do so.
Think of #DemPuppies. Doing this will make the Rebels even stronger...seeing as you're a co-leader of the AU Division, I think you'd want that?
I'll take number 55, by the way~