In my honest opinion, I don't like the idea, and personally I don't see the point...I'm not sure what makes it so interesting to others. Mind letting me know?
Getting only double bounty on something like, say, weekends, makes the bounty extremely inaccurate and have no set amount that proves anything. Everyone will simply gain a huge amount of bounty as the weekend rolls around, only to lose it again after it ends, causing lots of fluctuation in points, making them even more meaningless than people already make them out to be. Over time, more and more points will start going into the system, and as time passes, higher and higher bounties will be what shows a player that's "good" at the game, if you want to use them for that assumption. This makes it really hard to judge who has a good number as the number that signifies it, the number that "proves" you're good, is rapidly changing, especially when the weekend rolls around again. This is not even mentioning how easy it would be to abuse and create points by those who have a lot of points due to bounties, like Creeper_Mayor did in the US. This would make points so meaningless to the point that I doubt anybody would honestly care anymore, completely ruining the point of this idea.
On top of all that, users who are really point hungry would be discouraged from playing on any day but bounty weekends. They don't want to lose their points, or otherwise they won't be "cool," so they won't play until it's a day where their points can't go any lower (unless they have a bad day or whatever.) which can lower our player count on weekdays, while also making it more insane than it already is on weekends. Sure, you could spread out the days more, like every month, but that really doesn't help the situation anymore than just not having them would. I don't see the benefit of this. If there is any day of the week we'd want less players playing, it'd be weekends, since those are the days when everyone, including the donors that kick everyone else and "hog up the servers" from normal users, would be playing and keeping all the normal users, who also happen to be off school/work/whatever that day, from playing on the one day they can. This is the exact opposite from what I believe we'd want, as the servers are already filled to the brim with users on those days to the point where it's near impossible to join for normal users. (I'm not saying donors shouldn't be given the advantage to kick join, I'm just making a point that if any day should have more players, weekends are not the day. It's impossible enough to get in as it is, it doesn't need to be any harder unless there is more servers, especially if said idea would be discouraging these users from playing on weekdays, when it's far easier to get into a server.)
I dunno...maybe I'm missing the point of the idea entirely and something is flying right over my head, but honestly, I can't see why it'd be such a good idea at all...