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EoI: MCG Speech Night

Would you like to see Speech Night?

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  • Poll closed .


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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EoI: Expression of Interest. Gauging how well received a particular idea is to an audience before further work to implement that idea occurs. Used to gather general support, create anticipation, spread awareness, and address future concerns. As we push for more events and ideas, expect to see a few more EoI threads.

Hey folks,

Public Speaking offers a rather difficult dilemma: everyone likes to speak about something they're passionate about, yet no one wants to speak in public. Having a skill in public speaking is listed as a crucial determinant of one's success in their personal life and career, yet in public surveys ranking peoples' fears, public speaking was shown to be more scary than death itself. People can take university classes to study rhetorical techniques or take hours to dissect the parts of a successful speech, but the single best way to build one's confidence, speaking ability, and public speaking skill is through practice, practice, practice.

The Idea:
It was during the Admin Q&A that I had a thought: what if everyone had the chance to stand at the podium like I did? How could I share that feeling of attention and gratitude, where your voice rings true in the audience's attentive ears? How could I help people get used to public speaking?

That's when I came up with Speech Night, an event on TeamSpeak which would allow volunteer speakers to give a speech on anything they want to an audience who's curious to hear what they have to say.

The Premise:
The TeamSpeak would have a custom channel dedicated to Speech Night. Staff members would be responsible moderating the participants, the speeches, and the audience, and a staff member would most likely make the first speech as well. Speakers will be chosen via queue and given speaking power via the staff. The speaker would introduce themselves and the title of their speech, and then be free to deliver their speech. All speeches must be limited to 5 minutes. Upon the completion of the speech, the audience cheers and gives some brief feedback. After that, talk power is taken away from the speaker and given to the next speaker.

Each event is scheduled to be one hour, and occur on a bi-weekly or once-per-month basis.

The Proposal:
I already have a group of moderators willing to help operate the Speech Night, and the MCG TeamSpeak should be a breeze to set up on. From there, the infrastructure is very simple to organize, and we're more or less already ready to go.

What I want to know now is how popular the idea is, and how many people would be willing to deliver a short speech. To start with, we will leave the mic open for any topic, so long as it doesn't delve into insults or controversy; controversial topics include particular bans, political issues (such as abortion, religion, or the legitimacy of the Crimean annexation), or anything inappropriate for a family-friendly community.

Speakers will be free to speak about any topic of their choosing; it doesn't even have to necessarily be an organized speech. Here are a few ideas:
  • Self-introduction speech.
  • Speech for abolishing the term, "GG".
  • Speech against abolishing the term, "GG".
  • Share a story within the game or from your life.
  • Make a persuasive argument against the very idea of Speech Night
  • Share some information about a topic that interests you.

Future Ideas:
If the MCGamer community is active enough with the Speech Night idea, and enough people gain enough experience and skill to build up their own confidence and ability, there's a number of future ideas that I'd like to see occur.
  • Topic-specific nights with speeches geared specifically towards those speeches.
  • Theme-specific speeches.
  • Challenge Speeches (such as a persuasive speech that doesn't use a certain letter)
  • Impromptu Speech Challenge
  • Organized debates on Minecraft-related topics.
If there is enough positive feedback on this idea, I can get something scheduled within 2 weeks at the soonest. The poll will end in 7 days.

So, what does everyone think of this idea?

Would you be willing to make a speech? About what?

Also, if you're interested in attending, be sure to note which region you're in so we can plan some scheduling.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Great Idea Col! I would most likely participate/listen with this wonderful idea. Great Work! c:


Apr 13, 2013
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Would we be allowed to make a persuasive argument against a specific MCGamer policy? That's the first thing I'd speak on and would frankly have a packed five minutes.

Edit: Would we also be able to dispute the demotion of a certain staff member? It would have to be only valid reasons, spoken without undue anger, and be in a *very* respectful manner. I think it could, or at least should, be done. There's a certain....incident I refuse to drop now that I have the full story. :p


Oct 2, 2012
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I remember talking to you about this idea somewhere.. Glad to see you went ahead with it, seems like a cool idea! I would love to listen and maybe participate :D


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Would we be allowed to make a persuasive argument against a specific MCGamer policy? That's the first thing I'd speak on and would frankly have a packed five minutes.

Edit: Would we also be able to dispute the demotion of a certain staff member? It would have to be only valid reasons, spoken without undue anger, and be in a *very* respectful manner. I think it could, or at least should, be done. There's a certain....incident I refuse to drop now that I have the full story. :p
The former... maybe. It would depend which policy you're attacking.
The latter, definitely not.


Apr 13, 2013
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Well then I guess it's my job to be your guinea pig for why this might and might not be a good idea.

Con #1: A lot of people will end up treating this like an admin Q&A and, like me, want to air their grievances with MCG. We'll have to figure out a way to discourage this aside from just the moderators taking away talk power and/or kicking people from the channel.

Fix #1: Make an external site (like O.M.N.) specifically using Google (like O.M.N) to have people signup and state their topic title (or thesis) beforehand.

Flip the pessimistic view around and you have an excellent opportunity to FINALLY have a 5 minute channel through which to make your voice be heard on an issue you feel passionately about to staff. Like seriously, to hell with personal stories, there will be a lot of dissatisfied MCSGers seeking satisfaction through "covert professional yelling" in this event.

I approve of this event, though as a rager myself, I'm not sure if the younger communal members are all quite ready for this. Something intellectually stimulating like this might help mental development of the young ones though, and that is all I'm concerned about.


Mapping Team Lead
Oct 6, 2012
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I would just like to take the time to highlight that this is event is designed in the same way open mic night is. A fun night for people to enjoy listening to others talk about an interesting topic. If you wish to dispute something to do with MCGamer, I suggest you take it to the administration privately. EG a staff members demotion etc


Apr 13, 2013
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I would just like to take the time to highlight that this is event is designed in the same way open mic night is. A fun night for people to enjoy listening to others talk about an interesting topic. If you wish to dispute something to do with MCGamer, I suggest you take it to the administration privately. EG a staff members demotion etc
A). Thank you for clarifying that this would indeed be setup in the same fashion as OMN.

B). I'm merely pointing out that this could send the wrong message.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
I would certainly attend this, I'm just torn on whether I should give a speech or just listen. But this is a good idea in my opinion!

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