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#Envious ~ [EU-Division]

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Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score


Founder: Metalfull.
Founding Date: 22 January 2015.
Teamspeak IP:
Application Status: Invites Only.
Eu Leaderboard Ranking: Round 2th

This is an EU clan. Meaning we will play only on the EU servers.
We are Italian players.


The symbol " " next to nickname mean that player is " The player of the month" .

[Owners] ~


[Captains] ~

[Knights] ~

♟️ [Members] ~

[Alts] ~

[Trials] ~


Name In-Game?:
Skype Name?:
Do you have MCSG Donor?:
Stats? ( Wins/Game played ):
Example ( http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/YOURNAME )
How often are you online each day?:

Clan Battles

Clan members may only interact with other clan members, with the exception being fighting random players or those on theopposing team.
If any rules are broken to the point of a player being banned, the battle is rendered moot, and a rematch may take place at the clan leaders' discretion.
Use of any of the illegal weapons or items found in a map will cause an instant disqualification. If a player kills a player and obtains the items in question, they must burn the items immediately.
Battles may be postponed for a legitimate reason, but postponing a battle just because one player is not there is not a legitimate reason.
A minimum of two backup players must be prepared to play, should any clan members not be able to participate in the battle.
You must use members from your roster. Players that are not a part of the clan roster are not allowed to play in-game.
Members need to be in the clan for at least 24 hours before being able to battle.
No alternative accounts are not allowed to be used in a clan match. The user accounts listed on the clan’s roster thread must match the ones participating in the clan battle.
If a player drops connection (client-side) or crashes during the game, it will be as if someone has died. A redo will not be done because of this.
There will be random, non-clan players without a doubt. These randoms we cannot control. Therefore, they will be a double sided blade to both teams. Meaning, if a clan member were to die from a random, then it will count as if the opposing team has killed that specific person.
If a player of any clan dies to a hacker who is not participating in the clan battle, it will not be a redo. UNLESS, they have proof of them dying to a hacker, however, it is recommended to get in contact with staff to get rid of the hacker.
If a clan member is banned during a clan battle, the banned user’s clan forfeits the match. If the user posts a ban dispute and they are successfully unbanned, the forfeit is revoked and the match is rendered moot; the clans can rematch or not at their own discretion.
No using OP items. Example: Potions, items from dispensers, etc.
Postponements are allowed for only valid reasons. You are not allowed to falsify reasons to postpone a match.
- Invalid reasons include: postponing in order to prevent a loss, etc.

- Valid reasons include: not enough members online to participate, personal issue that can't be handled at another time, server-based technical faults, etc.
If both clans agree pre-game, spectating will be disallowed. Otherwise, it will be allowed.
You can only team with members of your clan, and with no one else. You cannot ally with random players or a player on the opposite team.
There will be no use of accounts that are shared between members in separate clans.

No flames whatsoever. This is includes clan threads and in-game. If you have a problem, please contact the Senior Staff.
Do not reveal any players' disguise as it is also against the MCGamer General Rules.
All other MCGamer rules apply.
You can find them here.

[ Wins: 15 | Losses: 2 ]

#Envious VS #AphelionEU [W] [5-3]
(They said that we are dossing them)
#Envious VS #Amazing [W] [5-0]
VS #RektLife [W] [5-0]
(They accused us of hack and one of their member didn't want to do a macro control)
#Envious VS #Neutralized [W] [5-1]
#Envious VS #Demons [W] [5-3]
#Envious VS #TheStorm [W] [5-0]
VS #SCRUBS [W] [5-2]
VS #Obnoxius [W] [5-1]
VS #WolfSpeeD [W] [5-0]

#Envious VS #Nova [W] [5-0]
#Envious VS #Inception [W] [5-3]
VS #Insurgent [L] [1-5]
VS #Outlaws [W] [5-2]
VS #Atraxia [W] [5-0]
VS #BestFriends [W] [5-0]

DQ: They accused us of macro, they have blocked us on skype and wrote 5-0 for them.
#Envious VS Illusion [W] [5-0]
#Envious VS #Insurgent [L] [5-4]
#Envious VS #Impulse [W] [5-1]

#Envious VS #....

Clan LeaderBoard

IGN - Stats Legacy - Ratio

Leirox - 612 / 3394 - 1/5.5
_Unbreakable - 77 / 292 - 1/3.7
Ammadio - 204 / 771 - 1/3.7
Ryanhampi - 547 / 5230 - 1/9.5
MarkusFen_ - 63 / 363 - 1/6
Zanzhy - 349 / 1275 - 1/3.6
ScreeaM - 239 / 853 - 1/3.5

Last edited:


Jan 22, 2015
Reaction score
Good Luck!
Minecraft IGN: zXynowaX
TeamSpeak3?: yes
Skype Name?: weser55
Wins?: 76
Game played?:1030
Have you got a fairly good microphone?:yes
Do you have MCSG donor?no
Why do you want to join in this clan?' Because i'm niggah in the world


Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score
Do you want clan war against uss? We are FatSquirrels! add me on skype: marko99ratko


Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN?:SlimeYouTube
Age?:12 - Very Very Mature
TeamSpeak3?: Yes
Skype Name?: gamer2168
Stats?: Got reset for no reason - Before it was 200Wins/100Loses
Have you got a fairly good microphone?: Yes - Turtle Beach

Do you have MCSG donor? No - Getting soon
Why do you want to join in this clan? I would like to join this clan, as it's a quite good clan. Also I am very good at pvp. Following this, I can be very active. I am also very kind, helpful and mature. I also skype with any ages.Following this, I would want to join a new clan so I can tell my friends to join.
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