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Enough Already..

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Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
I haven't been seeing very much of you lately, either
I'm slowly drifting away :/

I haven't actually played MCSG competitively the way I used to for about a year now, but I've stuck around because I care about the community. Nowadays though, I'm not really needed anymore. There really is nothing I can do to change MCSG for the better, as I've been trying to do for the past few years. There was once a time when I could make a post and feel like I was truly making a difference, doing my part to improve the community and the servers as a whole though. Sadly, times have changed.

The community is not what it once was, either in game or on the forums. In almost every game I play, there is at least one kid saying "eZ", "GG 10", or "Get rekt". Competition and trash talking have always been apart of the game, but it used to be friendly, a way to bond and share a laugh. Nowadays, it seems to exist only to inflate the egos of self absorbed 10 year olds at the expense of those around them. On the forums, the old guard of posters such as HalfSquirrel Stijn and Hystericallify have slowly faded away, leaving only a few left, such as me, Mooclan, and KRaidium I used to be on the forums almost constantly, upwards of 12 hours a day. The forums were a place where you could discuss any topic in incredible detail, and it was commonplace to see threads full of 6+ paragraph posts. Nowadays, the majority of threads are, to be perfectly honest, quite pointless. I truly don't care about the 20th thread asking who MCSG's best PvP'ers are, nor the threads full of petty complaints. Take, for instance, threads complaining about the staff. There have always been these threads, but they used to be written from the point of view of people who wanted MCSG to be as good as it could possibly be. Now, they are written by people who merely want to complain for the sake of complaining, to cause drama and make themselves the center of attention. They bandy about words like "corruption" without even knowing what it means, they point fingers and lay blame, and do nothing constructive to improve this community.

To be honest, I'm tired of caring for this community, but I still do. I still want MCSG to be as great as it can be, and do anything in my power to make that happen. Sadly, there really aren't any avenues left for me to make that happen. I've tried reapplying as mod, but I wasn't allowed to rejoin the staff team (I wasn't even given platinum for being an ex-mod). I've tried taking part in discussions about issues in the community, but what I say seems to have no effect. I'm part of a dying race, the people who have seen the whole course of MCSG; all the way from beta to what it's become today. I joined these forums in June of 2012, more than 2 years ago, and they've been an essential part of who I am. But they have changed, and so has MCSG. I can't really see the community I used to love anymore, which, at least to me, seems like a sign that it's time to move on.

There isn't really a place here for old timers like me anymore, and I am not doing for MCSG what I used to do. The game isn't as fun as it used to be, and the community isn't as accepting as it used to be. I'm probably going to stick around for the rest of the summer and then bid farewell to this community. I might pop back in once in a while, but my time here is definitely coming to a close.

To the OP, I'm sorry for filling your thread with something completely unrelated to the topic you were talking about. I started writing, and I ended up saying a lot more than I originally intended.

Also, if there are any inconsistencies in what I wrote, or if it seems overly harsh or dramatic, forgive me. It's 2 AM, I'm tired, and potentially have a concussion, so I'm not exactly thinking straight.
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May 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm slowly drifting away :/

I haven't actually played MCSG competitively the way I used to for about a year now, but I've stuck around because I care about the community. Nowadays though, I'm not really needed anymore. There really is nothing I can do to change MCSG for the better, as I've been trying to do for the past few years. There was once a time when I could make a post and feel like I was truly making a difference, doing my part to improve the community and the servers as a whole though. Sadly, times have changed.

The community is not what it once was, either in game or on the forums. In almost every game I play, there is at least one kid saying "eZ", "GG 10", or "Get rekt". Competition and trash talking have always been apart of the game, but it used to be friendly, a way to bond and share a laugh. Nowadays, it seems to exist only to inflate the egos of self absorbed 10 year olds at the expense of those around them. On the forums, the old guard of posters such as HalfSquirrel Stijn and Hystericallify have slowly faded away, leaving only a few left, such as me, Mooclan, and KRaidium I used to be on the forums almost constantly, upwards of 12 hours a day. The forums were a place where you could discuss any topic in incredible detail, and it was commonplace to see threads full of 6+ paragraph posts. Nowadays, the majority of threads are, to be perfectly honest, quite pointless. I truly don't care about the 20th thread asking who MCSG's best PvP'ers are, nor the threads full of petty complaints. Take, for instance, threads complaining about the staff. There have always been these threads, but they used to be written from the point of view of people who wanted MCSG to be as good as it could possibly be. Now, they are written by people who merely want to complain for the sake of complaining, to cause drama and make themselves the center of attention. They bandy about words like "corruption" without even knowing what it means, they point fingers and lay blame, and do nothing constructive to improve this community.

To be honest, I'm tired of caring for this community, but I still do. I still want MCSG to be as great as it can be, and do anything in my power to make that happen. Sadly, there really aren't any avenues left for me to make that happen. I've tried reapplying as mod, but I wasn't allowed to rejoin the staff team. I've tried taking part in discussions about issues in the community, but what I say seems to have no effect. I'm part of a dying race, the people who have seen the whole course of MCSG; all the way from beta to what it's become today. I joined these forums in June of 2012, more than 2 years ago, and they've been an essential part of who I am. But they have changed, and so has MCSG. I can't really see the community I used to love anymore, which, at least to me, seems like a sign that it's time to move on.

There isn't really a place here for old timers like me anymore, and I am not doing for MCSG what I used to do. The game isn't as fun as it used to be, and the community isn't as accepting as it used to be. I'm probably going to stick around for the rest of the summer and then bid farewell to this community. I might pop back in once in a while, but my time here is definitely coming to a close.

To the OP, I'm sorry for filling your thread with something completely unrelated to the topic you were talking about. I started writing, and I ended up saying a lot more than I originally intended.

Also, if there are any inconsistencies in what I wrote, or if it seems overly harsh or dramatic, forgive me. It's 2 AM, I'm tired, and potentially have a concussion, so I'm not exactly thinking straight.

I completely get what you're saying, having been on the forums since September of 2013. See you around, zenoCrafter.


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
To be fair that thread was made almost a year ago. Kind of like the "evidence" you posted on this thread.

I find it funny that you would go so far as to find something against me by desperately scavenging my profile, which leads me to my next point.

I've been seeing some of your posts on the forums and you just seem like one of those people who beg for likes from groups of people by creating threads that they might agree with. Please go be an attention Promiscuous woman somewhere else instead of using your stupid little sarcastic remarks to make an attempt at indirectly attacking me.
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May 29, 2014
Reaction score
Please go be an attention Promiscuous woman somewhere else instead of using your stupid little sarcastic remarks to make an attempt at indirectly attacking me.
You're asking me to stop "Attacking" but you call me an attention Promiscuous woman and insult my posts? Somethings not right here porky.
I posted additional evidence that was within the last two or so weeks, so your point there is a bit flawed. And when it came to your thread I just casually went to your profile and looked at "Threads made", it was literally the third one there (If you don't believe me go look for yourself). I didn't really have to go digging.

If you don't like my posts that's fine, but I can't believe you're trying to insult me for expressing my opinions, how would you like it if I started insulting you for your own opinions and saying that you were "whoring for likes"? You wouldn't.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
You're asking me to stop "Attacking" but you call me an attention Promiscuous woman and insult my posts? Somethings not right here porky.
I posted additional evidence that was within the last two or so weeks, so your point there is a bit flawed. And when it came to your thread I just casually went to your profile and looked at "Threads made", it was literally the third one there (If you don't believe me go look for yourself). I didn't really have to go digging.

If you don't like my posts that's fine, but I can't believe you're trying to insult me for expressing my opinions, how would you like it if I started insulting you for your own opinions and saying that you were "whoring for likes"? You wouldn't.
You may be the biggest hypocrite on these forums.
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