Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
you not win againist usPUT THE LOSE REVEGENT 5-4 HEALTHY
DECLINE : false past clan and low skills in teamwork .Minecraft IGN: 057
Age: 14
Donor: Soon...
Wins / Played: 76/278
Past Clans: Signature.
Activity: Every Day
Mature: Yes
Ping on EU Servers: 60
Why Do You Want To Join?: Because I Know all of the members and I've a good TeamWork with the majority of them.
Minecraft IGN: arkeeeeeeeeq0d alt : rekiiiiiiiiimq0d
Age: meno di shaze
Donor: Zingaro
Wins / Played: 1 / 0 ( fake pure questa xd )
Past Clans: sono tutti fake ma sono : Insurgent / Bionycs / Typhoone
Activity: non ho vita sociale quindi alta più alta di me
Mature: meno di zacca
Ping on EU Servers: sono uno zingaro e ho la 2 a vapore
Why Do You Want To Join?: so che avete molte fake win e past clans quindi dato che pure io sono cosi mi piacerebbe entrare in un clan di randies