Thx <3Good luck! <3
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Thx <3Good luck! <3
Thx and sureGl boi Ajax <3 Clan war when u get members xD! And Cheer pls.
You Have Been Accepted!1) ING (In-Game Name): KepychHD
2) IRL (In-Real Name): Nikita
3) Wins/Games played: 51\140
4) Age: 15
5) PvP Strengths: All
6) PvP weakness: don't have
7) Skype ID: kepych1337228
8) Past Clan Experience (knowledge): Yeah
9) Why Should We Accept You? I'm adecvate
10) Why do you want to join Elusive EU? Nice people
You have been Declined!1) ING (In-Game Name): Kent4ProHD
2) IRL (In-Real Name): Vladislav
3) Wins/Games played: 225/1510
4) Age: 14
5) PvP Strengths: ALL!
6) PvP weakness: Don't
7) Skype ID: mamont696
8) Past Clan Experience (knowledge): Nice people and just play cw
9) Why Should We Accept You? Just Nice Peoples
10) Why do you want to join Elusive EU? just play cw
LOL xDTotally not ellusite with some changes on the Name. Kinda still sounds like ellusite (just saying, no hate)