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Ellen's Goodbye


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, everyone. I'm sad to say that my time on MCSG is over, I've been banned for a while but I was too lazy to write this.
I'm leaving because I'm banned, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Note: This is not a goodbye to everyone I talk to, this is just for the game itself, I'll still talk to you people.
I wanna thank some of you:

Macobeast Nick, I have no idea how to start. x3 I love you, and you make me happy, like no one else. I'm so happy to be able to have someone like you in my life, you know stuff about me that I'd never tell anyone else, and I'm completely fine with that. I can trust you. And whenever we talk, I get this really good feeling and just by hearing your voice or seeing your texts makes me smile. You also have an amazing movie and music taste, and that's a big plus. Either way, this summer is going to be perfect, and I can't wait. I love you so much. c:

Kimberly Honestly Kim, you're so amazing, and I can't explain how much I love you. Whenever I talk to you, you make me so happy. You left a while ago, and we barely talk anymore (please kik me more.) But Ilysm, thanks for being you.

Rielu/Kranzo: Riely, AHS buddies 4lyf. I love your weirdness and your screams, especially when you go all highpitch. Either way, you got me banned but Idgaf. I lub ya bae and good luck with Hive. I love it when you show your ass

Cupcake Eden, bae you're such an amazing friend and Ilysm. I can talk to you about whatever and those pictures you send me on kik, they're adorable. You make me so happy when we talk, even tho you're always rude and diesrespectful. I love you, we'll talk whenever we can.

Maxypie Max, thanks for letting me rant whenever I needed to and thanks for giving me advice about whatever. You're always able to make me feel better, and I wanna thank you for that, honestly Max I love you for being that amazing friend.

Vexemize Shawny ily c: You're an amazing person at times, and other times you can be a complete Inappropriate body part on a male. Either way, you should come on TS at 9 am more, I enjoy talking to you :'3 Ily.

Undead_99 Anna, I love you and our weird chats. Our kik conversations are the best, amiright? You have some weird pictures and a really weird mind, but that's why I love you. You make me happy with your weirdness and ilysm.

KarterHD Brenden c: you're an amazing person, even tho you can be a Inappropriate body part on a male at times. I love talking to you, and you're able to make me happy, we should totally talk more tho. Good luck with whatever you're gonna do <3 ily

Native Liam <3 We need to talk more :c You're a really cool person and I enjoy talking to you C: Even tho you're a bully, ily.

Tyler I DatPikachu Tyler, we used to talk all the time before, now we barely talk at all. But I love you, and you can be nice at times xD <3 Ily

Zietra Jennifer jag älskar dig såsåså mycke ;* Let's just get married, you're amazingly nice and <333

ChrisComedies I love you Chris, you're my Mineplex buddy for life. You're an amazing person and you're so nice. Honestly Chris, you make me so happy. Thanks for letting me talk to you about whatever and thank you.

Auroraty|Kristie Kristie, I love you. Thanks for letting me talk to you about anything and not judging. We barely talk anymore and we should totally change that. Love you.

AndyFlips Andy, where do I begin? Maybe that you're a horker? c; We're gosspisbuddies 4lyf and you're such an amazing friend. I wish the best of luck for you and Macy, you guys are amazing for each other and I know that you love her. And I love you, buddy. Thanks.<3

Lucidictive Devin, thanks for trying to get me unbanned. You're a nice person and even tho I hate it when you add me to kik chats I like you. I like you a lot c;

Fox Omg Fox, I love you. We need to talk more, you're amazing and you make me happy like no one else. You're always able to make me feel better and you're a beautiful human being, in and out. I love you, <3

Yesh (DoodleBob91) Yesh, pff, ly buddy. We used to talk a lot back when you were homeschooled and I miss that. I'd always look forward to talk to you after school. I love you tho, Yesh. Thanks for being an amazing friend.

Soul Christian, we've had our times. You can talk to me whenever you need anything, okay? Remember when you, me, Eden and Kimberly were talking about boys and you had to give them a rating, I loved that. Either way, I like you a lot buddy.

ThatCoolCucumber Peter, you're a good kid. We had amazing times in Supremacy, I loved talking to you. #Singingbuddies, remember ''Do you want to build a snowman?'' Of course you do, you loved it. I love you tho, bud. I like you when you don't make fun of my voice.

i_sUcK_002 Hassen, you're a nice person sometimes and I like you, a little. I enjoy talking to you when you're not rude. (He made me write something about him)

Rebels: Omg Rebels, what can I say about this clan? Most of you are not complete dicks to me, others... meh. Either way I love you guys and keep being amazing <'3

Forsaken (Stabazam): I liked most of the people in this clan, probably my favorite clan. When I took over the Teamspeak... hah. Either way I love you guis.

I'm gonna put this again, this is not a goodbye for my friends, just for the game itself, I just wanna thank the people that have made me feel special, and loved.
Last edited:


Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
What about stab riley me and maco?
Its totoshd btw

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