Totally agree with you on the online dating part of this- I think it's totally fine, and pretty cool to meet someone you really like online but I don't think that relationship can ever progress unless you're able to be together in real life.
As for the rest of the thread- I agree with that as well. I think being completely consumed with the 'internet' isn't the best choice to make, but I think part of our generation is the electronic communication. I think it goes to show for a lot of people here that they have learned social skills similar to that they could learn in real life from being in clans, talking to people on TeamSpeak's, all that jazz. I've learned graphic design skills here, I've greatly improved my writing through the forums, and my general 'professionalism' and things like that through being a staff member here.
I find it so frustrating when you look on comments of a popular gaming video, for example, and all you see is people incessantly commenting about how that person "needs to get a life".
The things you do on the internet are absolutely an
extension of your real life, and if you can find success, happiness, friendship, whatever you're looking for on the internet, I don't think that should be looked down upon just because it's not in 'real-life'.
People who think they're superior because they "have a life" (pretty sure we all do) or "play sports" I find to be people who perpetuate the whole "people who play videogames have no life" 'stereotype'. Playing sports is a hobby, exactly like someone who enjoys playing video games in their spare time. Yes, sports are a more physical, healthy activity, but there's no reason you should think you're any better than someone doing essentially the same thing as you- an activity they enjoy- just because yours makes you think you're 'cool' and 'popular'. Having a sense of entitlement because you're on a sports team, or think you're any less involved with this game than someone is pretty ridiculous (this isn't directed towards you- just a general rant about stuff related to this subject
I know that's not the point of this post, but that's just a general frustration of mine when it comes to this stuff
I also think it's a bit over-exaggerated when people assume that there are people who spend the entirety of their time online. I think it's safe to say the majority of this community has a healthy balance between what they do here, and what they do in real-life.
Personally, I get my fair share of social interaction, and activity at school. After school, I come home, and that's when I use the forums, do my job as a staff member, work on graphics, etc. It's a hobby, and I think the same can be said for most people.
My priorities, like many people's, are school, family, friends, and then just whatever hobbies I may have, which of course, include MCG.
School should always be a priority and one thing that frustrates me is people who just throw school to the wayside, whether it's for their online or real-life hobbies. School is incredibly important, and it should always be a number-one priority.
All in all, I do agree it's important to keep a balance of 'real-life' and 'online' but there are plenty of incredible opportunities online that I don't think should be looked down upon just because they aren't in 'real-life'.