The vast dimension of space that resides within the universe never ceases to amaze me, mesmerize me. It is absolutely incredible to understand how little our problems may seem, how mundane they may be compared to the absolute vastness of what lays out there, space. Yet again, what further astounds me is how we, as human beings were entirely capable of reaching such a peak of evolution to which we contemplate on what resides beyond the sky. And what personalities and traits rest within our minds. Which most easily indicates my belief of how one human mind, and its creativity may be just as large as what we may see beyond the sky, the cosmos.
However, regardless of how insignificant our issues may be compared to the vast beauty that dances in the sky during the night, human beings still consist of the emotions within us to express ourselves, our feelings to others. It is absolutely fascinating to have even a brief understanding of human emotions. Furthermore, the comparisons between it and the insignificance it poses within outer space. Nature took its course to our evolution, and this is how incredibly far we have reached so far.
We must understand that despite mundanity of the issues we could encounter within our life, it is up to humans to pursue the resolve for our problems. Either it being caused by us, or by nature itself. I find it only natural that an individual would express their anger and frustration within a mere computer screen that consists of an interestingly proportional dimension filled with many users. Despite the obnoxiousness of people being overly frustrated over a video game such as Minecraft, and lash out on others for that reason, I still believe it is only another case of a human being expressing their emotions in a way that may be seemingly unacceptable towards a community's sociable standards.
There may potentially be a vast variety of reasons to grow frustration, anger, hate, sadness, envy, or in some cases, pride within the circumstances of gaming. Either it being to have died by some sort of cheater that gained an unfair advantage over them, or perhaps being surrounded by large groups that may seem impossible to take out. Either way, those two situations seem quite familiarized within the MCGamer network now. And in the end, there is absolutely no way to control somebody's emotions if stuck under such circumstances.
I unfortunately cannot see the vastness of the existence of the cosmos as a method of resolve to the human race's problems. However, it is a definite method to aid us humans to learn the epiphany of the insignificance of our circumstances, and learn to admire it as well. But due to the incredible vastness of the cosmos and how insignificant we all are, it is a method to learning that we are the only known living, and intellectual beings on the small little dot known as Earth, and have no knowledge of any other life-forms outside of our Solar System.
This is why we rely one one another. If the human race were capable of survival and intelligence, we would have to rely on one another and make our greatest attempts towards slowly stepping to our salvation, and success. We, as human beings, have survived this far to the extent of studying the vast universe beheld upon us, since we relied on one another. However, we still have a little savagery within our blood, we still have this mere ego that represents chaotic expression. Negative emotions.
We, as a staff team are actually quite grateful that you took this time to make this thread. As it is a way of showing appreciation and understanding of what we may have to deal with nearly every day. Furthermore indicating your kindness and respect for the staff team. Yet again, I personally am additionally grateful we have such controversy with people asking for some sort of change. Because it leads to interesting suggestions, nd recommendations that may be of use for us in the future. Even if it were the most blatant, flame-like post, I would see some sort of message in it, to help make a key of unlocking a way of improving the MCGamer network as a whole.
As previously stated before, even if the issues found within the MCGamer network, found within a digital world of somebody's computer, they may potentially matter to us. This is what we staff members are for, to aid others towards discovering a resolve, and make another small step towards the community's success. For example, the first world war had consisted of lots and lots of conflict. However, it had ended with a resolve, by making peace treaties like the treaty of Versailles. By indicating the problem, and the cause of so much destruction, and make appropriate resolves for it to help let us step forward as mankind. The same goes for the second world war as well.
For individuals that found this too dull to read, I would like to shorten this into one paragraph. Which is here...
We are human beings, and we are an intellectual species that have been capable of developing the contemplation of our emotions, and our understanding of the universe. And regardless of that, we still will have an intense amount of problems, no matter what happens, there will always be the unhappy minority. That's why we rely on each other to help one another. Even if we are a trillionth of a trillionth of a fraction of the universe itself, we are still something. We are still a part of it, even if we are extremely minute, we are still existent to what is out there, so therefore does not give the reason towards discarding the necessity for resolve of our issues. We are human beings living within one pale blue dot, in the vast open space. But our problems are no less significant to the largest cluster.