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Does anybody know how to put a crosshair from another texture pack to the one I use?


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, I have Faithful 32x32 and I want to switch the crosshair to a circle crosshair from another texture pack. I know how to do it, and I have to crosshair ready to be switched, so that part is all good. The problem is, when I open both of the GUI's of the texture packs on an editing software, the GUI from the texture pack with the circle crosshair is scaled 2 times larger than the Faithful GUI so when I copy and paste the circle crosshair to Faithful, it turns out 2 times larger than it is supposed to be. I could just scale it down, and I tried that, but when I did that it just looked all thick and weird(idk how to explain) in game and I really don't like it and that isn't how it was supposed to be. If I scale everything up, than the entire texture pack will be all pixelated and blurry(again can't really explain that well). So that being said, is there any possible way that I can implement a large crosshair into the small GUI of Faithful 32x32? Cause it won't fit in the area, and scaling just causes problems.
How do other people do it? BTW, if anybody can give me a link to a circle crosshair that I can use for Faithful 32x32 then I will love you forever, cause trying to figure this out is making my brain hurt!

tl;dr: How can I put a large scaled crosshair in a small GUI, cause it won't fit in the area but scaling it makes everything weird. If there are any other options then let me know please!


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Send me both files via PM (there's a link in my signature) and I'll do it for you.

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