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Do you remember... ? (V2)

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District 13
Oct 2, 2012
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My other post of do you remember has been inactive for a month, so it's necroing to post on it. So here is V2 with all of the things you guys said also!
When mobs were on?
When there was a bug on sg3 with the spiders that would target one person?
When there was only like one donor each lobby?
When there was Clank's secret in the lobby you could block glitch out of?
Or the glowstone in the pool you could glitch out?
When there was only sg1?
How about when they added breeze?
Anyone remember Overgrown arena?
How about the old DM arena?
Your first win?
Do you remember no rubber-banding?
Do you remember when Hanfi12 was #1?
Do you remember when I was #1? ;)
Do you remember before there were baccas?
Do you remember Karoleigh?
Remember ZombieTracker?
Do you remember when there were less than 10,000 forum members and how the forums weren't posted on every second?
Do you remember when you glitched our of the lobby
Do you remember the libary parkour.
Do you remember when OlsenInc became a moderator?
Do you remember when games would last the full possible duration?
Chad's livestreams?
The Blamph's?
When SomeMugger played?
When PanuterNut played?
The beta lobby and when it had an occasional mob that would spawn in it?
No baccas?
When SG3 had an INSANE amount of mobs?
When Blamph was #1
When sixzoseven was #1
When zeejayy was #1
When I had 26,000+ bounty [Not glitched] (Sixzoseven)
The party hole?
The lobby that had to all the lyrics to Call me maybe on signs?
The library round the world parkour?
The ridiculously long waiting length of lobby time <3 ?
The hiding in trees....
The long, great games on SG1...
Do you remember The_French_Guy?
Do you remember ZombieTracker21?
Do you remember glitching out of the old lobby?
Do you remember the original Skylands?
Do you remember that one jungle tree in SG1?
Do you remember grabbing random peoples skype names mid game?
Do you remember when you actually died of hunger?
Do you remember getting into the tower in SG1?
Do you remember when EZ played MCSG?
Do you remember when full diamond armor was a reg thing in DM?
Do you remember when you tamed 5 wolves?
Do you remember Beta Weekend?

Do you remember having 1000 points was cool back in V1?
Do you remember where there was that 1 awesome player Mindahl that everyone looked up to?
Do you remember when there was diamond armour in chests?
Do you remember when everyone rushed to the boat in sg1?
Remember 3Crowns?
AU: Do you remember when there was no Gustav Mahikano And No One Got Raped
Do you remember ZombieTracker?
Do you remember wolv21 streaming here?
Do you remember Krasso, Roseria and Karoleigh?
Do you remember the ender fountain in the lobby?
Do you remember the tips in the lobby?
Do you remember diamond armor in chests?
Do you remember when you found a guy with 10 wolves on SG1?
Do you remember only SG1 and SG2?
Do you remember the old site?
Do you remember the release of SG3?
Do you remember the first legit EU clan, Nitride?
Do you remember the Blamphs vs The CyanVolts?
Do you remember when brodina5 was number 1 in AU?
Do you remember being fangirled when you had 1k points?
Do you remember Dragontixan?
Do you remember when The_Arena_Master and I (him first) were the first people to pass ChadTheDJ in posts?(HalfSquirrel)
The OP casino?
When everyone hated SG2?
Beta Weekend?
Falling for the SG1 sand - lava trap?
Hiding in caves on SG1?
Actually fishing?
Back before there were no pros to look up to?
(Don't request threads to be locked - there's a better way; see here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/reqlock-theres-a-better-way.41298)k?
Playing tag in the gap around the first lobby?
Conserving arrows?
Starving to death?
2 player DM's?
The first 48 servers?
MCSG Ruins?
Overgrown Arena?
All of the walrus skins?
Chad Livestreams?
Back when people like Blamph and breadman14 were the only MCSG youtubers?
The walls servers?
Spectators leading spiders and endermen?
The beautifur old chat colors?
Chad playing games on his normal account?
Before Bajan.
Summer of 2012?
The Blamph and the Cyanvolts?
Diamond armor in chests?
The parkour library?
People escaping into the city in lobby?
The random vine covered walls in lobby?
Clanks secret?
The mobs on SG3's lobbies?
Before Leafy was mentioned on all list threads?
Bebop livestreaming the first ever youtuber survival games?
Variede was the only one making SG maps?
Actual bloodbaths at corn?
When ZeeJay number 1?
When Sizo was number 1?
When Blamph was number 1?
When TheArenaMaster was number 1?
Before we could break grass?
The dirt breaking glitch?
SG1 before fluctus?
When there were only US servers?
When there were only 5 servers?
Being able to set off pressure plates as a spec?
Being able to push boats as a spec?
When Breeze was added?
When breeze was more popular than SG4?
The horrid V1 voting system I suggested and was implemented?
Inb4 the RC Method?
Skype teaming with strangers?
When teaming was a formal affair?
When no-one complained about donors?
When the lobby time was 5 minutes?
Voting from 2 maps?
Before voting (BRING IT BACK)?
Watching games?
Re-Joining servers after the game ends?
Before the servers restarted?
When people did this?
-[100]KoolAidman98: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Antvenom: Hai doods.
When people teamed with last games winner.
When people congratulated last games winner.
When people thought donors were mods?
Before TS?

Remember 128 player servers?​
Do you remember when Ecmep used to upload YouTube videos?
Do you remember when LeafyGreenTea played?
Do you remember when my dad was still alive?
Do you remember when you didn't vote for a MCSG map and it picked the maps randomly?​


District 13
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
First, and I like this thread. <3

I remember most of these.


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
I remember about a third of these. I don't wanna say which though, as that would take forever and I'm lazy.


Feb 18, 2013
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No offence but im pretty sure every thing on that list is coped in different wording or the same thing al least 2 times.


Jul 7, 2012
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Why everyone freaking forgets:
When you didnt lose points if you left while fighting.


Apr 30, 2012
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Damn, this is a long list that I wouldn't mind reading.

I don't know if this was on there, but I remember combat logging.
I remember when the #1 players were in fact, hackers.
More to come after I read this..


Jun 2, 2012
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I remember killing PanuterNut one time from behind and then freaking out because I got like 60 points. It was like winning the freaking lotto.


Apr 30, 2012
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Oh God yes the party hole... Where you just stand at the edge of it and laugh and feel pity among all of those who are trapped in there.. but there is that feeling in the back of your heart and slowly twitching through your muscles and that voice growing louder in your head telling you to jump in.
You just can't fight it any longer, the urge overwhelms and controls you to tap W and you fall in the party hole. You become one with it and you are the party hole.

I remember....

-when nobody jumped while sprinting
-when nobody boosted their speed under 2 block tall roofs while sprinting
-when you had to use the fishing rod as a source of food
-when your friend would always fall in the lava holes on SG1
-the first time we saw the twin towers on SG2
-before we all used teamspeak, it'd be huge Skype group chats
-every time I walk into my school library, half of the computers would be taken up by kids playing MCSG because of me (sorry community, and librarians)
-a point in time on SG1 where the best you can get is leather armor
-lava parkour on SG1 for the enchanting table
-getting a Power I bow on SG1 and 3-4 shotted everyone because they only had leather armor
-when nobody had an Optifine cape
-that rare guy who had the Minecon cape was the centre of attention
-jumping from the peak of the mountain into the corn pool on SG3
-when bigmike4life was #1
-jefeperro before he became the king of betrayal
-when you could pick up wooden planks from destroyed boats
-when all of these guys dominated


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Oh God yes the party hole... Where you just stand at the edge of it and laugh and feel pity among all of those who are trapped in there.. but there is that feeling in the back of your heart and slowly twitching through your muscles and that voice growing louder in your head telling you to jump in.
You just can't fight it any longer, the urge overwhelms and controls you to tap W and you fall in the party hole. You become one with it and you are the party hole.

I remember....

-when nobody jumped while sprinting
-when nobody boosted their speed under 2 block tall roofs while sprinting
-when you had to use the fishing rod as a source of food
-when your friend would always fall in the lava holes on SG1
-the first time we saw the twin towers on SG2
-before we all used teamspeak, it'd be huge Skype group chats
-every time I walk into my school library, half of the computers would be taken up by kids playing MCSG because of me (sorry community, and librarians)
-a point in time on SG1 where the best you can get is leather armor
-lava parkour on SG1 for the enchanting table
-getting a Power I bow on SG1 and 3-4 shotted everyone because they only had leather armor
-when nobody had an Optifine cape
-that rare guy who had the Minecon cape was the centre of attention
-jumping from the peak of the mountain into the corn pool on SG3
-when bigmike4life was #1
-jefeperro before he became the king of betrayal
-when you could pick up wooden planks from destroyed boats
-when all of these guys dominated
Yum jailbrokenness
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