Now at first on seeing the first 2 pics i thought "eugh, this looks like an attempt at copying SG7" but..... by the 3rd picture i was thinking "hey, this is different and looks rather good"
I must say, on what has been built so far, this map looks pretty good and has alot of potential.
The cornucopia is certainly interesting being so high up, creating a vantage point for people. The Buildings are nice, well detailed and very nicely built. The terraforming so far is pretty good too
I'm rather looking forward to this map.
The map at the moment does appear a little on the small side however i do note that you said that you would be expanding the terrain on the hills, in which case i would suggest perhaps smoothing the hills a little in places to create less of a gradient or to make a small plateau area kinda half way up the hill before the hill rises again.
Although it is important to post pictures and info on progress, remember it is also equally important to update your initial post with these pictures and information. Either include the information in full in the first post or alternatively create short patch notes and link to the relevant post where the pictures/info were subsequently posted at a later date.