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Dexterity [US]

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Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score

"It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up."
-Vince Lombardi

Members : 27
Applications: Open
Clan Battle Wins : 8
Clan Battle Losses: 2

Date Of Creation : 7/8/2015
Thread Edited By: Skipping/Frog
Founded by : Happening // Anthony
Teamspeak IP : ts41.gameservers.com:9268

Battle Rules: If you wish to battle us we go by Soul's Rules

-= Activeness =-
-= Skill =-
-= A Working Mic =-
-= Teamspeak/Skype =-
-= A Positive Attitude =-
-= [Preferred] 12+ years of age =-

Past Clans:
Skype Name:
Wins/Games Played:
Do You Have Teamspeak:
What you like to be called by:

Roster Size : 27/20
Not Including Officer+

- Owner -
ReflexeZ // Anthony

- Leaders -

- Officers -
Yahtzii // Ryan

- Elites -
// Pingify
Blackistan // EvilCarryGod

- Members -
Varsal // Bird
Finate // Chris

CruelDan // Dan
SilverJuan // Robbie
Elkalize // Will

// Googly
Prohibitions // Tj
igetnohose99 // Jack
AxeBodySpray // Koch
Doritos0123 // Gay

// Tanya

KidLeqend // Gray
SmacktMan // Alex
SorryAboutThat // Jake
15s // xCrayfish // Daddy
Slven // OffTh3Grid // Slven99 // SlevGod
Ihave2dads // Guy
PapaQuik // Quik

- Trial Members -

- V.I.P -
xtremepvp123 |Josh - Leader
Ryyzing | Timmy - Elite
Swons | Paxton - Leader

Dexterity vs Terra | 5-0 WIN
Dexterity vs X | 5-0 WIN
Dexterity vs Forbidden | 5-2 WIN
Dexteirty .vs Invincible | 5-2 WIN
Dexterity vs Curse | 4-5 LOST
Dexterity vs Invincible | 5-2 WIN
Dexterity vs Triton | 5-0 FF
Dexterity vs Forward | 5-3 WIN
Dexterity vs Eternity | 1-5 LOST
Dexterity vs Curse | 5-3 Win
Dexterity vs Ancient | 5-2 Win

Clan Wars Season 5
Dexterity vs Rivals | 0-3 LOST


Rules & Consequences Which We Play By
- No use of banned items (including but not limited to the Stone Sword Tree On Valleyside University).
- Spectating is not allowed.
- Once a lobby has entered into pre-game, the match will be officially in motion, EXCEPT in the case which a team is represented by a disadvantage in lobby and has taken this disadvantage into pre-game. In this scenario, the disadvantaged team will be allowed to pull out of the server DURING pre-game to redo the round. If the disadvantaged team does not pull out after pre-game, the round must go on.
- The battle will First to 3.
- The minimum amount of people per battle is a 6v6, while the maximum amount is 8v8. If a team lacks the amount of people at the date of the battle, they are allowed to reduce the player amount to a minimum of 6 until they are able to get more players on. However, a concerted effort must be made to get more players on, and if any players do arrive, they must be played. If a team is unable to field 6 players, they must play with a disadvantage.
- Any maps may be chosen, but must be agreed upon by both teams. If maps cannot be decided, then the default maps will be: Valleyside University, SG4, TSG2, Holiday Resort, Holiday Resort 2 and SG Highway.
- Maps will be played only ONCE considering there are enough maps to complete a set without being repeated.
- If a team has non-donors, that team will be the team finding the server. It will not be efficient for the other team to find it due to the fact that it will probably become full by the time they contact the opposite team.
- If any clan member dies to a hacker in game and evidence is provided, then the match will be called off and redone. If there is a case where the hacker is a member of the other clan and evidence is provided, then the clan battle will be disqualified.
- Clan Battle rosters must only contain members stated on the respective team's thread, UNLESS other options are confirmed by both leaders. (i.e. other people outside of the clan, alternative accounts, etc.)
If any of the rules are broken, then these will occur.

First Offence: The round will not count and will be called off.

Second Offence: The round will be a disqualification.

Third Offence: The match will be a forfeit.

In the case of serious offenses (Hacking, Threatening To DDOS, etc.,) the match will be an automatic forfeit and more serious punishments may follow.

I, ReflexeZ, leader of the clan Dexterity, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered.

-= People With Access =-
ReflexeZ // Anthony

xtremepvp123 // Josh
Airflect // Air

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Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
updates by Anthony

Added Slven and Googly to the roster, Getting some more members feels pretty good considering they arent randies xDDD.
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