1. Nickname: Pkito 2. IGN (In-Game Name): Pkito (im gonna change for PkitohMC
3. Skype name: zrange.yt
4. Wins/Games played: I reseted my status
5. Age: 14
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: no
7. PvP Strengths : sword and fish and fns
8. PvP Weaknesses : bow
9. Why should we accept you? : Im a a good player so i hope i can help your clan winning
10. Favorite maps: survival games 4 , par 72 ,
11. Previous clans: TAD , FuturePens , PortugalSkills
12. Country: Portuguese ( i speak english to)
13. Tell us about yourself: I like play MCSG , thats my love... i am a good person i dont rage so if i am playing bad i accept critics and i help ... Im honest , inteligent and i play with tactics