First of all, Hailey. There is a timer.
Second of all. We cannot see the Spectators chat, so we cannot also see your opinions or reactions.
Third of all. I am confused on WHY you are all hating on PeacemakerMK. Please explain.
Fourth of all. Gustav, you seem to agree that
At most there should be two "final survivors".
Fifth of all. Hunger Games does not equal Minecraft Survival Games. Please, just please remember.
Sixth of all. I am NOT trying to incite an argument, of any caps, profanity, or just plain anger.
Seventh of all. If this has SEVERELY disrupted your life and seek moderator attention to this issue, please contact a mod, admin, or owner through a PM in the forums.
Eighth of all. I am sure that all you wanted Hailey is this "bug" to be fixed. Not to start
right? So let's just keep it down to NO naming and shaming.
Thank you.