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Dauntless 2.0 [EU]


Jun 3, 2014
Reaction score
In-Game Name: Lombaxton
How old are you?: 12 :p
How many wins?: 176 (My stats sucks but im xxpro!)
Any past clans?: Yeah, Dauntless
Strengths: I think im a pretty good on everything. im good at combos and bow. Im a AWESOME pizza eater and my mum says that im cute. JK xD I don't like hackers so i kill them!
Weaknesses: WATER FIGHTS! They sucks!
Skype Name: xxpropropro no jk it's Lombaxton
Why do you want to join?: Beacause I really like the owner :p and pizza. I am a true MCSG player. Dauntless is a good clan and i know it! But you need me to be awesome!



Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name: Lombaxton
How old are you?: 12 :p
How many wins?: 176 (My stats sucks but im xxpro!)
Any past clans?: Yeah, Dauntless
Strengths: I think im a pretty good on everything. im good at combos and bow. Im a AWESOME pizza eater and my mum says that im cute. JK xD I don't like hackers so i kill them!
Weaknesses: WATER FIGHTS! They sucks!
Skype Name: xxpropropro no jk it's Lombaxton
Why do you want to join?: Beacause I really like the owner :p and pizza. I am a true MCSG player. Dauntless is a good clan and i know it! But you need me to be awesome!

    • Denied for resons to pro thats bcuz u are ACCEPTED NOW!!! As: Trail jk Member


Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Some fast updates:

-We are all abell to play clan war!

-We are going to get a new clan logo

-Unknow_HD are going to gave us some lobbys on hes clans teamspeak

- We are alliense with Strawhats!

-Soon 50 post after this clan exist for 2 days


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game NAME:
My In-Game Name is Vestregutten
How old are you?:
I'm 17 years old.

How many wins?:
I have 174 wins on MCSG, but i don't care about stats. However on all my account together i have 1,4k wins on Hive.

Any past clans?:
I have been in Emperors, EndGamers & The Rebels.

I will say that my strength for winnings games are.

My weapon - Usually your weapon is a sword. There i can get crit hit and block hit. DUE TO my ping is bad often, i use to block hit a lot. But i don´t rely on block hitting. I will also not say i´m the best one in crit hitting, but yeah. I can a lot with the swords so it´s a strength for me.

Combos - I often get good combos, people are often saying it´s ping, but i would say no there. I get combos due using the rod or my bow to knock my opponent a bit back to get a combo on him. I also use turnaround to get it.

FnS - In my opinion and friend´s opinion. I know how to see a fns incoming and how to place it good. I would say i´m just getting better at the FnS.

Bow - If i have a good day i would like too say that i am good with the bow due to that i hit very fast so i can shoot with my bow faster then my opponent often. Which gives me an advantage.

I would also say that i´m good with tactics and have knowledge of taking out teams.


Knowledge on the maps - I would say that i know most of the popular MCSG maps, but there is a few of the maps that never getting voted that i do not have a route on yet. However i´m getting more routes and more known to the maps.

Water Fights - I will say that i´m terrible at water fights. I sometimes do it good, but most of the time i do it bad in this situations.

I´m also going into fights with low hearts sometimes which is a weakness for me. However i have been working on this a lot now and i´m often running away too regain full.

Skype Name:

Kaviar got my Skype.

Why do you WANT TO join?:
Because i want to try something new. With not being in one of the best clans on MCSG. I also want to explore the MCSG community on a different way and be helpful for this clan.


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