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Dark's amazing tips to increase your MCSG experience!


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone, I know you've got heaps of tips to read already but I thought I'd give you a breif rundown on how I play MCSG.

Firstly, download a map and make your own route. This is because if you run there before corn, you're more likely to get every chest! This is because most people go to corn, and in corn it's harder to find a weapon. Corn generally holds food and armor in most chests with the exception of 1 or 2 stone swords. And if you go to corn and don't obtain a stone sword you -might- get a little armor, some food or nothing. And worst case scenario is that you die! (Really not good for winning games).

Now, having a team is crucial to winning the games. When I first joined MCSG I got a few wins by myself when I went solo. I then started to meet more people and then I found a bunch of cool people and we basically had a team. If you want to get a team, it's probably a good idea not to do these.


2) Constantly beg. If someone says no it will generally stay a no, keep in mind annoying people in lobby could affect the gameplay.

3) Don't annoy people. As said before, if people in the lobby have a hate for you then it might not be good in the games.

Now things to do if you actually got a team.

1) If you have Skype/Teamspeak that's good! You can talk to them without doing it in-game. You can tell them if you're being attacked and you can meet up!

2) Discuss some plans, if some of you are going their routes and some are going to corn then that's good! If they get chests out of corn then that means they will have some better armor and some food for you when you return from your route and if they're lucky then maybe a weapon to defend corn with! Meanwhile you and possibly others would get weapons, armor and food so when you have a big meet up you can all go hunting!

Okay, now if you did that when the game starts you'll probably have a team who can support you, then you go your route avoiding corn you'll be the first one there if you were close to it at the 'pre-game'. And then you'll get some armor, food and weapon(s). Now you've completed your route if you did get items, then hopefully you'll be talking to your team via: Skype. You could then go your separate ways and collect all the chests from your route(s) and meet up and KILL EVERYONE!

Now it's the time where the sun sets and the moon rises, you know what that means? Yep! Refill! Goodies for everyone. Firstly guard corn and get as many chests as you can, buffing yourself up. Then go on your own route. Or a well-known route. If you go on your route (God I hope it has tier 2 chests, if it doesn't then you have no reason to go on it). Then if you go on a well-known route than chances are you'll bump into people. You can kill them and hopefully they have goodies!

Now, it's Deathmatch. You and your team (or possibly others) are in the final fight. Assuming that others are there you'd try to finish them off and gang bash them with your super powered team! Now it's just you and your team standing off against each other. Try to get in a position where you can hit people easily but it might be harder for them to hit you. Always keep an eye on your hunger and make sure that you can regenerate. If worst comes to worst and you're down on life then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! If you have a bow then use it, IMHO flint and steel isn't a good idea. Half the time you'll set yourself on fire. You'll also waste running time. But whereas, if you use a bow you can damage them and make them run! If they're near you SPAM THE ARROWS LIKE NO OTHER. Doing this will make sure you damage them and they probably won't get near you. Just better have a good shot.

Now, if you hate teams cause teams are 'pussys' and they can't play then here's a guide for you. Solo time!

As before, get a route. Etc. Etc.

When you're well geared up you need to pick of the strongest, not the weakest. Try and stalk people who have better armor/weapons than you. If you attack people weaker than you the best you can get is more food, you won't really get a better advantage with a shiny new piece of pork, fish-slapping them bitches won't help either. You need shiny new armor and a better sword.

So, you're not good at PVP? That's fine. Try and get them while their back is turned. Or when they're crafting. This way you'll get extra hits on them, and please please for the love of god actually have a weapon when you're fighting. You know fist fighting never ends well right?

Hopefully you can now take refill, I'm going to warn you now. Teams aren't good if you're running the game solo. Hopefully you get the chests before them, if a team of two come than you need to use a bow, then if you damage them finish them off. Do not let them run! They will come back and kill you later. If you kill people earlier than less people to kill you after!

Now let's assume you have good stuff. You're a career. Act like one! Stockpile all your loot in your inventory, fight with your full iron armor and a diamond sword! Yeah, kill everyone in your way. Make sure you sneak attack enemies. Even if you have better armor and weapons they could be a more skilled fighter! (Assuming you're not the best at PVP)

So, it's then Deathmatch if you're fighting people who are solo then kill them without hesitation! Or you could play it safe and hide. Or just stand still and watch, pick off the winner. Well, if the odds were in your favor hopefully you won!

Now you've got the rundown it's time for tips! (Yay tips)

#1 Win the game. Hurr durr

Serious tips!

#1 I'm not going to say this "OMG STAY AWAY FROM PLACES WHERE EVERYONE GOES D:" This is wrong, if you don't go to the corn at the start of the game you're ahead of everyone! You can get there first and stock up on kills! Let's assume everyone goes there because it contains full iron armor and a diamond sword. (Probably impossible but IT'S AN EXAMPLE LEAVE ME ALONE! D: ) You now have full iron and a diamond sword before others, everyone who comes to it is your victim! You can kill them and get stuff you didn't have before, and eliminate players from the game.

#2 If you're on a slow computer, try de-fragging the harddrive, try freeing up space, try overclocking it, try DOING WHATEVER TO MAKE IT RUN FASTER. Slow computers can't play well. If you have a slow internet consider moving it closer to the computer or vice versa. This will give you a big advantage, the less lag the better.

#3, If you're a bad fighter then some good ideas would be...

- Trying to make a team, then you can have them protect you as well as you can protect them! You can easily kill people.

- Jump up and down when fighting, circle them, this makes it harder for them to hit you, but you will also have an advantage on them.

- Always always always always use a bow in fighting, you can deal damage to them before you even engage in sword fighting!

- If you're having a bow fight then it would be a good idea to jump and move around. It'll make it harder for them to hit you.

- Try to kill stronger people first, eliminate the competition. Even if you don't have a weapon you can knock them off from high heights, you can sneak up behind them, you can use your bow to weaken them before they even get to you.

- Get comfortable with terrain to fight on, make your own fighting style. I can't help you with something you can't do. Maybe you suck with a sword, but have great aim with a bow? Then just go crazy with a bow! Make your own fighting style with some of these tips.

- Water is your friend, if you have a fishing rod you can hit team members forward. If you have a bow you can easily kill people as water make them move slow. If you're going solo. You can hit people away from you while you regenerate health. If you want some fight, go under them and hit them with a sword, this makes it easier for you to hit them and it's harder for them to hit you.

- If you know where an enchanting table is, then kill some animals and level up! You can kill them and gain EXP, then enchant a sword. A gold sword with sharpness II is equal to a diamond sword. Imagine the power of a sharpness diamond sword!??! Yeah, that's the stuff.

- If you're comfortable with block hitting than use it, I personally hate block hitting as it just doesn't feel right. But if you want to then it's fine with me, just spam the left and right keys of your mouse.

That's everything I can think of. Have fun! :)


Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the amazing tips. It really helped me! ^__^


Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
This looks like an essay..... Whatever it still works even though i hate reading D:


Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Its also funny how you said brief in the opening sentence....cause it was quite the opposite.


Aug 24, 2012
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