- Name: Starlord
-Minecraft IGN: GetHoundoomed
- Age: 14
- Games Won: About 900 on all my accounts
- Games Played: Somewhere around 3500?
- PVP Strengths: Sword rod fns
- PVP Weaknesses: water and sometimes bow, more of a neutral
- How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 9
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 6 or 9, depending on the situation.
-Type of Donor: Plat
- Previous Clans: Prodigious, React, Rivals
- Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken: I have a snapback (I can provide evidence), I like warm sandwiches on rainy days and I don't like to be called a hardscoper when I use variable zoom. It's situational, I quickscope when I 1v1 but in real hardcore games, sometimes variable zoom is an asset, I don't get why people don't understand that, I have been in all of the FaZe 5 contests and have placed top 50 every time, it's just disgusting how arrogant some people can be, I used to be in one of the best quickscoping MLGS ever. It's absurd. Why are you still reading this? How's your day? Is your sibling annoying? Do you like Starbucks? How high can you count in 20 seconds? Well, that's my time. See you tomorrow night when we roast Sonic '06 for not living up to the Sonic franchises' standards. Good night.