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Cyber-Bullying - Make it stop! - 2016 Edition


Jan 29, 2016
Reaction score
Well if you think that the following things to be abusive/cyber bullying, then yeah, I might as well be called Hitler:
Saying "ez" " get rekt" "cyka blayt" "get f*cked" "l2p".
Making memes about people.
Disagreeing with people (cough feminists).
You don't understand what I'm saying! OML! I mean you probably go around and hurt peoples feelings about certain things that they do different or their imperfections. Not saying you do necessarily, but right now you;re coming across like the guy that would.


You don't understand what I'm saying! OML! I mean you probably go around and hurt peoples feelings about certain things that they do different or their imperfections. Not saying you do necessarily, but right now you;re coming across like the guy that would.
The thing is even if he did "hurt" people feelings OVER THE INTERNET I still don't understand how is this a problem. Let's take him as an example if he "cyber-bullied" me I could easily report him to the mods, or just press the ignore button on his profile or I could just go off pc or maybe even delete my forum account and start fresh with a new one. You can EASILY escape cyber bullying, if you can escape bullying in general I don't consider it to be bullying.


Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
You don't understand what I'm saying! OML! I mean you probably go around and hurt peoples feelings about certain things that they do different or their imperfections. Not saying you do necessarily, but right now you;re coming across like the guy that would.
yes because my life is so worthless that the only way I make myself feel better is by making other people feel crap. ; ( ( ( (


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
I love being cyber bullied tho, please dont end it! It's my only source of joy!


Sep 30, 2015
Reaction score
I like the motive of this! I think spreading positivity like this is always a good idea


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
You don't understand what I'm saying! OML! I mean you probably go around and hurt peoples feelings about certain things that they do different or their imperfections. Not saying you do necessarily, but right now you;re coming across like the guy that would.
Yet, by making such a baseless allegation, who's the one truely being rude here?


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
I feel a little alienated with my current standing viewpoint on cyber-bullying while it almost juxtaposes the general opinion and compromise I found in the responses within this thread. Understandably, it's quite agreeable, and definitely easy to state that its simple resolution to the problem is turn the computer off, block the harassing user, flip out and break the screen, stalk the person who hurt you for several days and try to find where they li-- Okay, maybe I'm a little off-topic here... Regardless, finding a resolve for this supposed "on-going issue" would understandably be quite simple. Looking at all of the comments here, pretty much most, if not, all of the suggestions brought up were mentioned when it related towards finding a resolve for "cyber-bullying". Like closing the computer, reporting the user, or simply blocking them. Or fundamentally, not having a social media account at all!

However, it would either just be me, or I noticed that we haven't really covered, or acknowledged how much of a footprint it really leaves to the victim. Obviously the person who inflicted the trivial, mundane, and generally insignificant insults really didn't necessarily do much harm. Only simply did it for giggles among him/her and their friends, right? But have we really considered what may go on inside the victim's head? Do we know that they have thick skin (or skulls) that they're able to brush off the insults? Do we know if they have insecurities? Do we know that the victims aren't just victims of cyber-bullying, but actual abuse? It's most certainly safe for me to say that a good majority of us, including me, aren't fully aware of the current circumstances other people go through in their real life, especially online. Which only makes it easier for us to say things like "toughen up", or "Just shut the screen".

And let's be honest here, with the "toughen up" solution; it can be, and was applied to real life situations as well. People had constantly said this to me whenever I had felt offended by something explicit (Although to be honest, I agreed with them on several occasions. But it doesn't mean it applies to everyone else!), but regardless, what difference would it make if people simply offer these solutions? How do we know it's as easy as we think it is for us? It makes me feel like it is similarly trying to tell a baby to ride a motorcycle, it really isn't as easy as we may anticipate it to be. This is because we don't deeply understand how they may cope with the insult when they're in their own privacy.

Because once these insignificant insults have been said, then they have been said, the effects or consequences that may potentially come after are irreversible (unless you use a potato time travelling machine to reverse time n' stuff). And whether the person takes it lightly or not, is entirely up to them. How they react would only help determine how they were raised, and how often they came across situations like this. Some people simply aren't used to these kinds of circumstances, and I still do not understand why it is so difficult to accept the fact that people are different, and that some people are actually psychologically more vulnerable than others?

Furthermore, if we thoroughly look at the videos shown here, and compare it to how the discussion was mainly focused. I can tell that there is little correlation. Because what we were discussing was generally revolved around trash-talking in a video game. But what about actual social media? What if it were people, heck, even in-real-life friends doing something worse, like make a social media page all about how much they hate you, and is a popular trend, or someone invites you to a group chat, only to find out this chat was literally only for them to throw disgusting insults at you (Yes, this happened to a few friends of mine. Those bullies didn't know what hit 'em. ;)). And yes, we can easily close the computer, and even just simply deleting your account is the best way to solve it. Easy.

But take a thorough thought about it. Right after finding out about someone you once were wonderful friends with, post trash about you online, and you successfully remove your social media, and try to stay away from the computer, what difference will it make? How would you feel if you knew well that people you know in your life went ahead to say horrible things about you online and everyone may either now know a dark secret you wanted hidden for a long time, or believe in a silly rumor that isn't real? It will still be there, you don't necessarily need to have your computer turned on to be a victim of cyber-bullying. Because in the end, the victim already knows this is happening to them, and they can do little to actually stop it from continuing since they need to "toughen up" and "get over it". It'll be obvious that they will end up trying to bottle it up, and try their best to not seek help. Because it is a sign of "weakness" according to society.

Additionally, think about the in-real life effects it will have on the victim as well. Instead of simply focusing on a block game, we need to think about the bigger picture. Cyber-bullying isn't necessarily about being trash-talked by a pre-pubescent child in a block game saying they dated your mom, and suddenly they're some sort of magical 8 year old Darth Vader who could possibly be your father (Oops. Spoilers. Am I late?). Instead, we must understand that this is also about being stuck under similar circumstances Amanda Todd had suffered through as well. She was beaten to a pulp and thrown in a ditch for crying out loud! And guess what, after she had done an unfortunate attempt in suicide, which resulted in people on the internet responding by taking pictures of bleach. Yes, it would've slightly eased her pain if she didn't see those provocative images, but consider how many times she had to move schools just to get away from the bullying. Reading through articles (Thanks wikipedia!), I discovered that the man who was responsible for it had disguised himself as a "student" who sent the explicit images of Amanda to all her fellow students which resulted them in hounding at her like a pack of starving crows.

She was literally unable to escape this situation. Wherever she went, people knew her face from somewhere, and people reacted the same way. All because of this sort of cyber-bullying. Now now, this is one of many examples of victims. And imagine the amount of people suffering from this torment to this day because of that. Obviously this is something not even thick skin can really do much about, especially if people are here to torment you so recklessly.

To quote some statements several people had made, as to rebuttal and explain why I stand towards my ideal, I'd like to say that cyber-bullying isn't only simply about games trash-talking. But it's about literally trying to ruin the life of another individual, using this method...

The thing is even if he did "hurt" people feelings OVER THE INTERNET I still don't understand how is this a problem. Let's take him as an example if he "cyber-bullied" me I could easily report him to the mods, or just press the ignore button on his profile or I could just go off pc or maybe even delete my forum account and start fresh with a new one. You can EASILY escape cyber bullying, if you can escape bullying in general I don't consider it to be bullying.
Although I understand that some people don't consider something to be bullying unless it's something you can't escape from. But we must keep in mind that the definition of cyber-bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Therefore, this applies even in-game, sometimes! As a staff member (I'm sure you know too, Bae! <3), we see a lot of messages that we can easily determine are meant to intimidate or threaten, and cause harm. It doesn't matter on how well we deal with it, because regardless of how we react to these messages, it is, by default, cyber-bullying. You don't need to have a negative reaction, as long as the user had the purpose of causing a problem online, then they are basically trying to cyber-bully. And therefore should be something others may need to be aware of.

Seriously, with all the problems in the world, including poverty, starvation, abuse, neglect, murder, wars, etc, we are worrying about pixels on a screen that may seem slightly offensive to some of our more sensitive youngsters?

Just log out, block them, turn off the computer, or do something. It's not really a problem at all compared to what most people have to deal with. Most people in the world don't even have refrigerators or beds and will never dream of having an electronic device to even get "cyberbullied" on.

So please, can we all grow a little skin and start worrying about some real problems?
I couldn't agree with you more on this, to be honest. There are so many real-life problems out there that pose a much significant threat to us as people than cyber-bullying, and obviously we need to be attentive towards these factors.
However, regardless of the fact that there are people who are physically in a far worse condition than we are, I still do not understand why this completely invalidates the issues people go through when it comes to cyber-bullying. Even if they are micro-pixels on a random screen in the comfort of your home, we are well aware, and intellectual enough to understand that these signals, were literally sent from another human being, either close to you, or half around the world from you, and they were sent to cause harm, because it can.
We must acknowledge, as insignificant as it sound to so many people, because not many have actually been victim to it, that if young people, a generation of youth, that have so much potential to change the future, end up taking their own lives and causing irreversible changes because of this, then it's easily determined as an on-going issue. Because it's the result of either irresponsible, uninformed children, and sadistic adults, youngsters with so much potential (Whether they're found on a block game or not, it doesn't matter either way) to change the world are driven to suicide. And all we can tell them is try toughen up because there are people who are in a worse condition than us?
Having been a victim of several cases myself, I can determine that this can be proven otherwise, but of course, I would never dare to completely turn my head from the problems other people suffer through. Because everyone in the world deserves love and attention! <3

Bullying is a re-occurring thing. If someone abuses you on many occasions then use the block option on social media and if it's through gaming send in a report and they will get muted most likely (or banned because mods are semi-dumb).
With getting banned for abuse, looking at the ban tables, first offense for abuse is a 3 day ban. :I Otherwise, if it's another issue about someone getting banned unfairly, I can always talk about it with you if you want, although I am actually really dumb. But the other staff members, which is safe to say, are amazing people. I can promise that. (I love your RS signature though. gg :D)

I love being cyber bullied tho, please dont end it! It's my only source of joy!
One word...


Anywho, Benjamin, thank you for making this thread come back to life again, I really hope more people are a little more informed on how cyber-bullying works, and I really do hope my explanation was enough to clear everything up on why closing the computer is not always a long term solution. And I will always be by your side to make sure cyber-bullying doesn't happen! :D

Now then. Time to go to bed. I'm tired. -_- Ciao!


I feel a little alienated with my current standing viewpoint on cyber-bullying while it almost juxtaposes the general opinion and compromise I found in the responses within this thread. Understandably, it's quite agreeable, and definitely easy to state that its simple resolution to the problem is turn the computer off, block the harassing user, flip out and break the screen, stalk the person who hurt you for several days and try to find where they li-- Okay, maybe I'm a little off-topic here... Regardless, finding a resolve for this supposed "on-going issue" would understandably be quite simple. Looking at all of the comments here, pretty much most, if not, all of the suggestions brought up were mentioned when it related towards finding a resolve for "cyber-bullying". Like closing the computer, reporting the user, or simply blocking them. Or fundamentally, not having a social media account at all!

However, it would either just be me, or I noticed that we haven't really covered, or acknowledged how much of a footprint it really leaves to the victim. Obviously the person who inflicted the trivial, mundane, and generally insignificant insults really didn't necessarily do much harm. Only simply did it for giggles among him/her and their friends, right? But have we really considered what may go on inside the victim's head? Do we know that they have thick skin (or skulls) that they're able to brush off the insults? Do we know if they have insecurities? Do we know that the victims aren't just victims of cyber-bullying, but actual abuse? It's most certainly safe for me to say that a good majority of us, including me, aren't fully aware of the current circumstances other people go through in their real life, especially online. Which only makes it easier for us to say things like "toughen up", or "Just shut the screen".

And let's be honest here, with the "toughen up" solution; it can be, and was applied to real life situations as well. People had constantly said this to me whenever I had felt offended by something explicit (Although to be honest, I agreed with them on several occasions. But it doesn't mean it applies to everyone else!), but regardless, what difference would it make if people simply offer these solutions? How do we know it's as easy as we think it is for us? It makes me feel like it is similarly trying to tell a baby to ride a motorcycle, it really isn't as easy as we may anticipate it to be. This is because we don't deeply understand how they may cope with the insult when they're in their own privacy.

Because once these insignificant insults have been said, then they have been said, the effects or consequences that may potentially come after are irreversible (unless you use a potato time travelling machine to reverse time n' stuff). And whether the person takes it lightly or not, is entirely up to them. How they react would only help determine how they were raised, and how often they came across situations like this. Some people simply aren't used to these kinds of circumstances, and I still do not understand why it is so difficult to accept the fact that people are different, and that some people are actually psychologically more vulnerable than others?

Furthermore, if we thoroughly look at the videos shown here, and compare it to how the discussion was mainly focused. I can tell that there is little correlation. Because what we were discussing was generally revolved around trash-talking in a video game. But what about actual social media? What if it were people, heck, even in-real-life friends doing something worse, like make a social media page all about how much they hate you, and is a popular trend, or someone invites you to a group chat, only to find out this chat was literally only for them to throw disgusting insults at you (Yes, this happened to a few friends of mine. Those bullies didn't know what hit 'em. ;)). And yes, we can easily close the computer, and even just simply deleting your account is the best way to solve it. Easy.

But take a thorough thought about it. Right after finding out about someone you once were wonderful friends with, post trash about you online, and you successfully remove your social media, and try to stay away from the computer, what difference will it make? How would you feel if you knew well that people you know in your life went ahead to say horrible things about you online and everyone may either now know a dark secret you wanted hidden for a long time, or believe in a silly rumor that isn't real? It will still be there, you don't necessarily need to have your computer turned on to be a victim of cyber-bullying. Because in the end, the victim already knows this is happening to them, and they can do little to actually stop it from continuing since they need to "toughen up" and "get over it". It'll be obvious that they will end up trying to bottle it up, and try their best to not seek help. Because it is a sign of "weakness" according to society.

Additionally, think about the in-real life effects it will have on the victim as well. Instead of simply focusing on a block game, we need to think about the bigger picture. Cyber-bullying isn't necessarily about being trash-talked by a pre-pubescent child in a block game saying they dated your mom, and suddenly they're some sort of magical 8 year old Darth Vader who could possibly be your father (Oops. Spoilers. Am I late?). Instead, we must understand that this is also about being stuck under similar circumstances Amanda Todd had suffered through as well. She was beaten to a pulp and thrown in a ditch for crying out loud! And guess what, after she had done an unfortunate attempt in suicide, which resulted in people on the internet responding by taking pictures of bleach. Yes, it would've slightly eased her pain if she didn't see those provocative images, but consider how many times she had to move schools just to get away from the bullying. Reading through articles (Thanks wikipedia!), I discovered that the man who was responsible for it had disguised himself as a "student" who sent the explicit images of Amanda to all her fellow students which resulted them in hounding at her like a pack of starving crows.

She was literally unable to escape this situation. Wherever she went, people knew her face from somewhere, and people reacted the same way. All because of this sort of cyber-bullying. Now now, this is one of many examples of victims. And imagine the amount of people suffering from this torment to this day because of that. Obviously this is something not even thick skin can really do much about, especially if people are here to torment you so recklessly.

To quote some statements several people had made, as to rebuttal and explain why I stand towards my ideal, I'd like to say that cyber-bullying isn't only simply about games trash-talking. But it's about literally trying to ruin the life of another individual, using this method...

Although I understand that some people don't consider something to be bullying unless it's something you can't escape from. But we must keep in mind that the definition of cyber-bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Therefore, this applies even in-game, sometimes! As a staff member (I'm sure you know too, Bae! <3), we see a lot of messages that we can easily determine are meant to intimidate or threaten, and cause harm. It doesn't matter on how well we deal with it, because regardless of how we react to these messages, it is, by default, cyber-bullying. You don't need to have a negative reaction, as long as the user had the purpose of causing a problem online, then they are basically trying to cyber-bully. And therefore should be something others may need to be aware of.

I couldn't agree with you more on this, to be honest. There are so many real-life problems out there that pose a much significant threat to us as people than cyber-bullying, and obviously we need to be attentive towards these factors.
However, regardless of the fact that there are people who are physically in a far worse condition than we are, I still do not understand why this completely invalidates the issues people go through when it comes to cyber-bullying. Even if they are micro-pixels on a random screen in the comfort of your home, we are well aware, and intellectual enough to understand that these signals, were literally sent from another human being, either close to you, or half around the world from you, and they were sent to cause harm, because it can.
We must acknowledge, as insignificant as it sound to so many people, because not many have actually been victim to it, that if young people, a generation of youth, that have so much potential to change the future, end up taking their own lives and causing irreversible changes because of this, then it's easily determined as an on-going issue. Because it's the result of either irresponsible, uninformed children, and sadistic adults, youngsters with so much potential (Whether they're found on a block game or not, it doesn't matter either way) to change the world are driven to suicide. And all we can tell them is try toughen up because there are people who are in a worse condition than us?
Having been a victim of several cases myself, I can determine that this can be proven otherwise, but of course, I would never dare to completely turn my head from the problems other people suffer through. Because everyone in the world deserves love and attention! <3

With getting banned for abuse, looking at the ban tables, first offense for abuse is a 3 day ban. :I Otherwise, if it's another issue about someone getting banned unfairly, I can always talk about it with you if you want, although I am actually really dumb. But the other staff members, which is safe to say, are amazing people. I can promise that. (I love your RS signature though. gg :D)

One word...


Anywho, Benjamin, thank you for making this thread come back to life again, I really hope more people are a little more informed on how cyber-bullying works, and I really do hope my explanation was enough to clear everything up on why closing the computer is not always a long term solution. And I will always be by your side to make sure cyber-bullying doesn't happen! :D

Now then. Time to go to bed. I'm tired. -_- Ciao!
I agree with you miner I consider cyber-bullying SOMEWHAT serious but people just over-exaggerate with it, like it's something so big and serious but it is actually not. All you get is a bunch of guys who are insecure about themselves posting messages like "YOURE UGLY" "KILL YOURSELF". I know this is harsh but not as harsh as going from school to home and getting punched around by bullies, getting mocked around, laughed at et cetera. People need to grow up and not waste their time commiting suicide just because of a couple of messages that have been sent on facebook by insecure people.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
I agree with you miner I consider cyber-bullying SOMEWHAT serious but people just over-exaggerate with it, like it's something so big and serious but it is actually not. All you get is a bunch of guys who are insecure about themselves posting messages like "YOURE UGLY" "KILL YOURSELF". I know this is harsh but not as harsh as going from school to home and getting punched around by bullies, getting mocked around, laughed at et cetera. People need to grow up and not waste their time commiting suicide just because of a couple of messages that have been sent on facebook by insecure people.
And as I had stated somewhere in the beginning of my original post, we cannot fully determine the reaction someone will have once they receive these harsh messages through social media. We need to understand and accept the fact that people have different mind-sets, and that's okay! Yes, it can get frustratingly obnoxious when it comes to someone over-exaggerating or dramatizing their issue to extremes, but as I would prefer to go about it... I'd do my best and support them instead, because people will need help and support, either through therapy, or just someone giving them a simple compliment! Because telling someone to "grow up" and "not waste time contemplating suicide" is basically similar to telling someone who's being dragged away by a strong river current to simply grab on to a rock and get out. But it's easier said than done. More of what I stated in my original post can also correlate with your statement if you'd like to take time to read it.

God, I love discussing with you and everyone else. :3


And as I had stated somewhere in the beginning of my original post, we cannot fully determine the reaction someone will have once they receive these harsh messages through social media. We need to understand and accept the fact that people have different mind-sets, and that's okay! Yes, it can get frustratingly obnoxious when it comes to someone over-exaggerating or dramatizing their issue to extremes, but as I would prefer to go about it... I'd do my best and support them instead, because people will need help and support, either through therapy, or just someone giving them a simple compliment! Because telling someone to "grow up" and "not waste time contemplating suicide" is basically similar to telling someone who's being dragged away by a strong river current to simply grab on to a rock and get out. But it's easier said than done. More of what I stated in my original post can also correlate with your statement if you'd like to take time to read it.

God, I love discussing with you and everyone else. :3
I still stand behind the fact that some people need to grow up but...

I don't know why I wrote "wasting time commiting suicide" I was multi-tasking so I just wrote something stupid like that lol xD That's not what I meant but yeah I feel like taking your own life away over messages that you get on social media is kind of stupid.. but I guess if you don't have many friends irl plus the cyber bullying then it is kind of messed up.. then I would get some people if they are depressed. But what I will never get is just harming yourself because of internet retards. I know a couple of girls who actually have a perfect life many friends etc etc, but when they've been cyber-bullied all of a sudden they started thinking about commiting suicide.. like I was pissed at them and kind of confused.

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