Title of the pack: DQSux
Link/Name of pack you would like to be made/edited: Yours :3
What blocks would you like to be changed: I'd like fire to be blue.
What items you would like to be changed: If you're feeling sexy, you can replace some of the record music with dubstep and retexture the item to just text with the song name. (Youtube IDs azhY168xnAc and JY9Ohddpo2s at least pl0x)
What color should the hearts be?: Blue (&9)
What color should the Armor hearts be?: Dark Gray (&8)
What picture would you like for the pack: http://hristu.net
Anything else?: Could you make the hotbar and the text blue? Also, I'd like the bacca skin to be the default (so steves seem even noobier)
Do you like pigs, wolves or foxes better?: Dee Queue.
Gracias :3