• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Count To 50 Before The Staff Posts!


Sep 30, 2012
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Alright guys, I'm just going to explain this all to ANYONE who has questions.

A while back (And I do mean a while, like in August) I picked arguments with the wrong people. I flustered Karoleigh, and she banned me, perhaps for reason, but she went overboard with the perm ban and the ip ban on the forums. Cut to a few months later, after I've been playing MCTF2, I one day randomly decide to try to join the MCSG servers, and to avail. A staff member (To this day I still don't know who it is) pardoned my ban so I was able to play on the servers. After that I was caught hacking (I admit to it, but I don't do it anymore, I tampered with hacks during the months of my ban). During that week off, I created a forum account on my phone and began to post. Then I was back onto the servers. The whole "phone foruming" grew ridiculous so I discovered a program called "Hotspot Shield" that let me access the forums via my computer, but it was extremely impractical as I had to reinstall it any time i wanted to visit this website then uninstall it due to its mass spam. I decided to just take a break from the forums, even though I would miss them. I resumed playing on the MCSG servers with the occasional one or two posts from my account "Walrus Mad", which was named at the time by the fact that my character is a walrus, and he was mad about the bans :D Anyway, cut to today, I talked to an admin on the Teamspeak server, he understood the situation and then pardoned my IP ban. I had this account laying around (Which I thought was banned, I was wrong) so I'll be using this one now, as I'll be more recognizable, and I'm not mad anymore.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back! :D

Oh, btw! 26 :3

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