This post is for the MCGamer Admins. (
Dave ,
ChadTheDJ and whoever else.)
You guys need to realize that this is going to fix nothing. First off because nothing is broken and why are you trying to make something that some people want? The in-game poll is tainted because of
TheCreeperFarts making his newest video. All of his fans and subs will vote "Yes" simply because he said yes. The point I'm trying to get across to you all, is that this isn't want we, the people want. We don't want more hackers and more people boosting. To be quite frank, your staff does a crappy job at what they do. I go on the Official Team Speak server to get a mod to help me with a hacker. I get either ignored or I get the response "I'm busy." Fix your staff before you start adding more problems to the server. The hacker problem is at an all time high right now. When I first joined MCSG, I would see 1 hacker every 10 games or so. Now, I see 3+ every game. Fix what needs to be fixed.
Also, if you have a problem with my opinion, PM me. I'd be glad to talk to you guys over Team Speak about this.