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Community Games: The SoloSG Winter Cup Tournament


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
After much deliberation with the Mapping Team, we have identified the map selection and order that we feel would be the most interesting to play. We feel that these winter themed maps offer a good variety of fun and game balance for our competitors to play in.

Current Map Line-Up:
  1. Alaskan Village
  2. Winter Haven
  3. Par72 (Holiday Edition)
  4. Solar Frost
  5. (Overtime Map) Survival Games 5

Be sure to get some practice on those maps before the big day! And while having a main route is nice, be prepared just in case someone else beats you to it first.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Hello Tributes!

I hope everyone has been getting their practice in, as the Winter Cup is officially only a week away!

With that in mind, I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming deadlines listed on our calendar for this event:
  1. Participant Sign Ups Close: January 8th at midnight PST. Be sure to sign up before then, or you will not be eligible to attend!
    1. Link to the sign-up sheet is HERE.
  2. Participant Roster Created: January 9th. To those who have signed up and are selected to participate, we will be informing you of your participation via Forum Message, so be sure to check your inbox!
  3. (Optional) Participant Discord Check-In: January 10th at 6 PM PST. For the players who are selected to participate either on the initial roster or on the wait-list, we will be hosting an optional meeting on the MCGamer Discord to discuss rules, expectations, guidelines, order of events, and miscellaneous information. This is also where we'll double-check to make sure that your account information is correct so that you can successfully participate, so be sure to attend if you can!
  4. The Winter Cup games officially begin: Saturday, January 11th at 11 AM PST.
    1. Use this link to convert that time and date into your local time zone: Event Time Converter

We also want to share our current Work in Progress time table during the Winter Cup.

Note that this time table will likely change over time, but we want to share our plans with everyone as to what will happen and how the event will occur.
10:30 AM PSTStaff Arrives on Discord to open up Event chat and Participant Chat.
Participants should join the chat in order to receive instructions from staff on how to join.
10:50 AMStaff creates a private MCSG Maker lobby and begins inviting the participating players in. Players must join the lobby in order to participate.
11:00 AMOpening statements will be made to the event event chat.
11:10 AMFinal call for participants. Lobby will close, and Game 1 will begin.
11:40 AM approx.Game 1 ends, 10 minute break begins.
11:50 AMGame 2 begins.
12: 20 PM approx.Game 2 ends. 10 minute break begins.
12:30 PM Game 3 begins.
1:00 PM approx.Game 3 ends. 30 minute intermission begins.
1:30 PMGame 4 begins.
2:00 PM approx.Game 4 ends.
2:10 PM Final points totaled. If no tie, winner announced and event closing message.
2:20 PM (OT)If a tie occurs, overtime game starts.
2:50 (OT)Overtime game ends, winner announced, event closing message.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
With the games only three days away, the hour of the tournament draws ever nearer.

Participant Rosters and Confirmation
Sign-Ups have now closed, and the Winter Cup staff have already gone through those who registered to play. Eight number of players were picked by hand due to their notable participation in the community, but the remaining forty players were chosen randomly by lottery using a random number generator. Each of those chosen forty eight players were given their participation notice only a few minutes ago. So if you signed up, check your forum inbox!
  • If you received a message from me indicating that you were selected to participate, be sure to reply back confirming your participation by Friday. Failure to confirm means you will forfeit your position in the games.
  • If you didn't receive a message from me, you unfortunately weren't chosen to participate. But you are more than welcome to watch!
We will be unveiling the final roster of participants on late Friday/early Saturday as soon as we have all of our confirmations.

Wave 1 VS Wait List
In order to prevent confusion, I'll take this moment to explain the two types of participants in this tournament: Wave 1 and Wait List.
  • Wave 1 are the first 24 players whom were chosen to participate at the very start of the tournament. These players are slated to play in the very first game and continue as long as they want. Be sure to be present and on-time at the start of the event, or you'll forfeit your place!
  • Wait List players are the remaining 24 players whom have the opportunity to replace any Wave 1 players who drop out of the tournament. After a Wave 1 player drops out, their position in-game will be given to a Wait List player who is present and ready to play. Wait List players who play in-game will act as a new entrant in the tournament, and can play throughout the entire tournament. Be sure to be present and on-time at the start and between games, since that may be your chance to play!

The Calendar
With only a few days remaining, the following events are upcoming related to the Winter Cup:
  • (Optional) Participant Discord Check-In: January 10th at 6 PM PST. For the players who are selected to participate either on the initial roster or on the wait-list, we will be hosting an optional meeting on the MCGamer Discord to discuss rules, expectations, guidelines, order of events, and miscellaneous information. This is also where we'll double-check to make sure that your account information is correct so that you can successfully participate, so be sure to attend if you can!
  • The Winter Cup games officially begin: Saturday, January 11th at 11 AM PST.
    1. Use this link to convert that time and date into your local time zone: Event Time Converter

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know in a reply here!


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Winter Cup Participants, On-Lookers, and Tributes alike!

I am pleased to announce that the SoloSG Winter Cup tournament was a success! In spite of some hiccups along the way, our participants played their best against their rivals in a series of fun and exciting games. Swords were slashed, rods were tossed, and at least one person tried to make a deal to share the winnings (no teaming, guys!).

But with that, I'm excited to announce that our SoloSG Winter Cup Champion, after having earned 223 points, is...:
And the Runner Up: Ziviik , with 175 points.

Final Leaderboard:
Ziviik - 175
FleXyyyyyyyyyyyy - 126
SpykerFX - 106
YWO - 100
SirClubs - 93
MunchSuccs - 90
Edoggeh - 48
rinkonini - 36
mx5_ - 36
DaddyBowser - 29
qarlsoN - 26
PeruvianLegend - 20
Smileeeeeee - 19
5ke - 13
ScottageCheese - 6
NyanCreeper - 3
And with that, the SoloSG Winter Cup is officially concluded.
We will return with another exciting event for the community after a brief planning hiatus, so stay tuned!

  • Special Thanks to SixZoSeven, G33ke, and TheElasticTuba for being our event's primary organizers. We could not have even gotten started were it not for their hard work!
  • Thank you to the Community Events Team for organizing and managing the event, and to the Moderation Team who helped us keep the games clean.
  • Thank you to the participants who were willing to put themselves out there in order to have a series of good games.
  • And thank you to You for just being You!

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