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Command block sound output tutorial.


Jul 17, 2012
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A lot of people have been wondering about the new addition in minecraft 1.6.1, the ability to use commands to play sounds. It's kind of complicated and there are almost no tutorials on it, but I'm here to save the day! (yay)
Here's an example of a command-
/playsound mob.enderdragon.end @a
This plays the enderdragon's death sound to all of the players (@a)
To do these commands you have to know one thing- you can only play sounds. No music discs. Just sounds.

Go to your minecraft folder, go to assets, and then "sound". Under there you should fine a lot of different things. (mob, fireworks, random, etc.)
To generate the command you get the first folder (EX- ambient)
Then go to the next folder you find in there (EX- weather)
Then you should find one last file, a .ogg file or something. It is the sound itself. That is the final part of the command (EX- thunder)
So this command- /playsound ambient.weather.thunder @a (This plays it to all players, @p means nearest, and @r means random)
Whenever you see something like cave1 or cave4 in a folder, those cannot be selected individually. You only type the actual word, not the number. That will give you a random output of the different variables or that specific sound.
This DOES NOT WORK- /playsound mob.cat.hiss3 @p
This DOES WORK- /playsound mob.cat.hiss @p

Hopefully that isn't too complicated for you. I find this command very helpful in making horror maps, as pressure plates can set off a ghast scream and scare the crap out of people.

Thanks for reading

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