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College Decision


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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It’s almost the new year. The time of choices and resolutions is drawing closer. Usually, I’m not the kind of guy who makes resolutions as I see them as naive and contrived. However, I have a dilemma at hand, and there’s no easy solution. For those of you who don't know, I’m completing my last year in high school and will soon be moving to college.

I'm overly-confident to the point of being vain, so I only applied to two colleges. Purdue, the university I’ve wanted to go to for the past three and a half years and Cleveland State University, my back-up school but a good school nonetheless. I'd first like to provide some information on the two colleges.

Purdue is a very well known (at least in the circles of engineering), very prestigious college in Indiana. The main reason I'd like to go there is their phenomenal engineering college. Due to me applying later than I meant to, I wasn't able to get into the major I wanted, but they offered me admission to another major: Computer and Information Technologies.

  • Cost: 19k a year for room & board, tuition, and books/program fees.
  • Good on-campus housing,
  • Beautiful, but large campus.
  • Location: College-Town, with campus dominating most of the town.

Cleveland State University is a much less well-known, urban university in the heart of Cleveland. They aren't nearly as prestigious, but they've got a decent engineering program. Like I said earlier, I applied there as my back-up plan. They've admitted me for their Computer Engineering program.
  • Cost: 17k a year for room & board, tuition, and books/program fees.
  • “Meh” on-campus housing.
  • Compact, but less beautiful campus.
  • Location: Center of a City, very urban.

Here’s why I’m posting this thread though. I want advice on which college I should go to. You'd think the clear choice would be Purdue. They're prestigious. They're well-known. They have debatably the best engineering program in the midwest. But it’s not that easy.

CSU has offered me close to $10,000 worth of scholarships. If I stay at my Mom’s house, which is about half an hour away, I'd be able to graduate from college completely debt free, which in the USA is a very rare feat. If I go to Purdue, chances are, I’d come out of there with a debt sitting at around $20k-$40k.

I'd just like any insight you’d be willing to give me. This is a hard and very life-changing decision, please be serious.

Happy New Years,


Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
I'm only 12 years of age, but here's my insight on this. Purdue Is expensive right? You'll be I debt, I say go to Cleveland and don't be in debt, as you said, it is a rare feat in he US. Obviously you must balance sustainable measures and expenses like you pointed out, Cleveland doesn't not have as high standards but is cheaper, you can handle that right? Purdue is a collage even I have heard before and I know it would be expensive. This is tough, but when you lay out the cold hard facts in my
mind it seems to be clear to go to Cleveland. But it's totally up to you man, I wish you luck in your bright future.

Oh dang this is probably the longest thing I've ever posted, especially at midnight, on a phone too xD


Jul 2, 2014
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Is sightseeing such a big deal for you? If not, I'd go for Cleveland. You're getting the course you originally wanted, but you also save $2,000 a year.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I'd say Purdue, even with the debt you are living in good housing, campus, town and education. It is completely up to you, it is your choice, don't leave a life changing decision in the hands of an online gaming community. Do what you feel would be the right decision.


Mar 28, 2014
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I believe that college is a place to learn. No matter where you go you are going to get the knowledge you need for your future career goals. Remember that it is your decision. You will also have to look at the costs. It cost a ton of money since you are going out of state. My personal suggestion is to stay within your state.

Also take note, that you can always switch colleges. Good luck.;)


Jun 21, 2013
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As stated, a gaming community may not be the best place to seek advice, but I'll do my best to give my opinion.

Overall, I would say Cleveland would be slightly better. From what I have heard, supposed "good schools" are often rather overrated. Prestigious schools are also harder to get into, and will count your AP test as less credit. (Some schools only accept "5" AP test scores, and some accept no AP test scores at all.) You might also be more likely to meet different people at the two schools. I know you typically meet more layed-back people at lesser-known schools. Going to Cleveland would definitely do you a lot of good money-wise as well, and the transit would make things much easier. Money is a big stress, especially for college kids, so going to Cleveland might make your early adult life a little less stressful.

It's worth noting that Cleveland State is in a big city, and you would meet a ton of diverse people there. That's just how big cities are. There would be more traffic, people, crime, creativity, and culture overall. I've heard the city of Cleveland is poorer and has a lot of crime, but that shouldn't be a deciding factor.

As for Purdue, I suppose you could go there if you want better instruction and a more rural setting.

Just go with what you think. I'm probably not the most qualified to answer this since I'm just a 16-year-old, so don't listen to me too much. :p Try asking some neighbors/relatives who have been to college what they think.


Jun 12, 2012
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There was an interesting statistic I heard a couple of months ago that said the school you went to college at only truly determines your success later in life for the next seven years. Seven years, in the grand scheme of things, is really not that much.

I wouldn't choose Purdue just for the name or because it would look good on a job resume. Financially, you will most likely be more successful (as no debt balances out the lesser reputation of the school), and you will likely learn just as much.

Really though, you want to pick the college that is right for you. If going to Purdue is your dream, if you feel that it is the best school you could go to, then you should go there, and disregard the debt. But if you think Cleveland would work, it would be great to leave college debt free. Ultimately, I would suggest visiting both campuses (while school is still going on) and just see which one feels right.
Oct 31, 2013
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I would say Purdue. Why Because it is you're first choice plus it's you're life choice. We don't even know you. What OhFancy said is true it's a gaming community.


Apr 6, 2014
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From what I can see through people's opinions and what you have described in both kinds of colleges you intend to go to, I would believe that your choice can only be determined by which one is most adequate in the most aspects.
I would think that Cleveland is a convenient choice of college, some aspects would be that it is a very urban place to be, as BitoBain had stated before, it is always good to be around many people, you can have the opportunity to experience the amount of diversity of other people, and learn more about urban cultures, and in any cases, it would probably consist of a cinema, who wouldn't like that? c:

Cleveland also, as said before, has a cheaper cost for entry, which lets you off the hook from having a life debt that you have to pay off. Unfortunately, it does not have such a magnificent view like Purdue has, and it is unfortunately not as prestigious, but nonetheless, it is still a college you can attend, and get a diploma on.
Pretty much all universities and colleges aim for one goal, to get its students to achieve a prestigious standard, and get a diploma, also helping them out in their futures. Same goes for Purdue, and generally any type of educational system.
I would also recommend Cleveland because of how it is the one that offered you a spot in something you actually want to major in, I understand that Purdue gave you another major to study in, which is a good one as well, but I have doubts that it is the dream you wish to achieve, Cleveland had provided you a spot for studying for your future aspirations.

Purdue is also a very convenient choice, since it consists of great standards and is a very prestigious college, it also does have great convenience when it comes to leisure, or work materials. As you have stated, it indeed does look beautiful, and you will be able to live in more comfort there, and will provide you lots of space and any material necessary to enhance your educational experience.
It is unfortunately expensive, but the cost, in a manner, is kind of worth it.
Unfortunately, if you do go to Purdue, it was previously mentioned that you will have issues with the debt you'll get for your future. And for a course that you weren't as ambitious about.

The big question is, what is your ambition? What do you truly want to be when you grow up? Are you strict on following the ambition? It really depends on you in the end, you can go to Purdue and follow a course you didn't intend for in the first place, or go to Cleveland. In the end, the choice is yours.

Oh, and a very important reminder, it isn't always the best decision to ask strangers online for University choices, it really goes down to your decision in the end anyways. ;)
But I wish you the best of luck! I hope college life will be fun for you! <3


Jan 14, 2013
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I wouldn't ask a Minecraft community, that doesn't know much about you. Try talking to your parents or the student services at your high school. They will be able to give you a real insight into what goes on at the university's you've applied to, and which is a better suit for your personality.
Last edited:


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Talk with your family and friends. I personally wouldn't even think of letting an online gaming community decide what flavour of Ramen Noodles to eat, nevermind deciding what University I go to.

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