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Chest content overhaul


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
It would be truly funny to see crafting tables above the chests at spawn.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
I posted this idea yesterday in this thread, which I'd recommend you to read by the way, but I'll post it here for more visibility. The idea is to change the contents in chests to stimulate a more complicated kind of gameplay, with more focus on survival in general, rather than just PVP (because if you came here just for the pvp - you should probably go to a server that is just for pvp). Less 'pre-made' armour and weaponry, and more crafting materials. Again, I really suggest you read the linked thread for context.

There should be a focus on the following things with regards to chest contents:
  • Armour and weaponry should not be widely available. Very basic weaponry, such as wooden axes and swords, and sometimes stone weaponry should be able to be found after not more than a couple of chests. Materials for iron or even diamond swords should be rarer though, same for bows and arrows.
    As for armour, I think you should be able to get some basic armour, such as leather boots/helmet and the occassional chest or even gold boots from tier 1's - these things don't give you a huge advantage. More powerful armour should be hard to find - especially the Holy Iron Body :p
  • Food should be scarce, and you should be careful with it. Eating rotten flesh is actually not as bad as you might think - it's just better to eat a lot of it (3-4 pieces) and don't move till the poisoning is over.
    Also, eating stuff like raw fish is really going to get your hunger down quickly, so you might wanna be careful with eating it after you just ate a cooked porkchop and there's still half a hunger bar missing.
  • Focus on getting stuff yourself. I kinda mentioned this in point 1, but again: while gear and weaponry and whatnot should be rare, the materials to craft it shouldn't. Also, stuff like fishing rods and bowls should be more common than actual food (except for rotten flesh/fish/chicken etc.), since it encourages gathering food.
I kinda brainstormed as to what should be in the chests, and here's a list:

Tier 1 Chests
  • Regularly contain:
    • Wooden axes (very basic weaponry)
    • Rotten flesh (worst kind of food)
    • Bowls
    • Fishing rods (this one and the above can be used to acquire food, but you'll have to put some more effort into it other then taking it out of the chest)
    • Basic crafting materials (string, sticks, flint, feather, leather etc.)
    • Wheat
  • Occassionally contain:
    • Leather boots or helmet (very basic armour)
    • Wooden swords (basic weaponry)
    • Advanced crafting materials (3 leather, gold, iron)
    • Raw Chicken and Raw Fish (the worst kind of food after rotten flesh (raw chicken can get you food poisoning and raw fish has a terribly low saturation))
  • Rarely contain:
    • Leather leggings or body (basic armour)
    • Gold/Chain boots/helmet (still rather basic armour)
    • Stone axes/swords (the latter even rarer of course)
    • Bows
    • Uncooked meat (pork/beef)
    • Apples
    • Arrows (just one)
Tier 2 Chests

  • Regularly contain:
    • Gold/Chain/Iron boots/helmet
    • Gold/Chain leggings
    • Stone swords
    • Cooked chicken/fish
    • Iron
    • Arrows (multiple)
    • Bows
  • Occassionally contain:
    • Gold/Chain body
    • Iron leggings
    • Cooked potatoes
    • Diamonds
  • Rarely contain:
    • Iron body
    • Cooked meat (pork/beef)
    • Golden apples
    • Flint and steel
    • 2 Enchanting Bottles
    • A crafting bench (that you can actually place)
In addition, the number of items per chest should be lowered. Rather than just randomly putting items in the chest, which is happening now, there should usually be 2-3 items in a chest, and rarely 1 or 4. Also, the rare items should actually be rare - "regular" items should, well, appear in every chest, 'occassional' items should appear in every ~2th/3th chest, and a 'rare' items in every ~4th/5th. (EDIT: To clarify, when I mean rare should appear in every 4th/5th chest, I don't mean it should be filled with rare items, but rather that oneof the 2/3 items should be a rare one)

This spread does allow for a nice number of chests though, in fact, probably more than now. I don't really have a problem with this, not finding any chests is just frustrating, but with this spread it's not like you can get complete gear from ~4 chests. You'll have to be careful what you use your materials for. Do you make a leather helmet now, or do you wait a little and hope to get some more for leggings or a body? Do you spend your one iron on a flint and steel, or do you wait a little and hope to get more for a sword?

Just a note though: I know these ideas are probably a bit extreme to most of you - they are just how I would like to see the game. But just a small step in this direction would be great as well.

First of all, a very impressive thread good sir! Organized, well thought out, articulate--you're on your way to Moderator. However, this is way to extreme, and as such I do not think it will ever be implemented. As you said, if you're looking for PvP server, find one purely dedicated to PvP. However, while this may be Hunger Games, it is not meant to replicate the books in the way your suggesting, as to have it more focused on gathering. Minecraft Survival Games is not pure PvP, but strategic PvP, and knowledge of your surroundings, and somewhat gathering. If the servers were to implement your suggested changes, the game would become all about gathering items, and about what you get. With the current system, gathering is a small portion of the game, and a good MCSG mindset is to attack throughout the game slowly gathering your items, as better items are introduced as the game progresses, not spread around at the beginning. As much as I respect your idea, this is way to dramatic.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
It's not a bad idea, but I think it would make for tons of wasted time crafting. If you mean it to be more survival like in the Hunger Games, you would have no armour at all. I like the idea, and I absolutely love the amount of effort you put into making the post (Kudos on that, it's a rare occurence), but I prefer the system we have now. Right now you will open a chest get a bit of armour and put it on. All in about 2 seconds. But then if you pretty much only get crafting materials, you have to add at least another 3 seconds onto each chest for crafting, and then another long time for having to find the crafting table.

This makes it impossible to play on bigger maps with crafting tables spread out, and on maps with few crafting tables other than the centre. I understand that you will still get armour from chests, but it will be much harder to come across. Like Theo said above, right now MCSG is about strategy, and ever so slightly based off your luck of items in chests. This would make it completely based off chest luck and route location luck if it has any crafting tables in it. Some people might even have to adapt their routes so that they can have a crafting table somewhere, which would be annoying for me and I'm sure for many other players that like their current routes and don't feel like having to adapt their chest routes.

I don't have much else to say on the subject, but congrats again on making such an awesome post.


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
The amount of food found in chests currently is just too much, there needs to be more rarity for food.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
I don't agree with this. Often the matches are fairly long as is. They have other places and servers where you collect your own resources and eventually build up to fight enemies. They do not work because one person gets a stone sword and runs around wiping everyone out till the game ends. And the way you are saying it would be even more rare to get a stone sword off the start or in starter chests WHICH IS BAD. If one person has the sword EVERYONE else in the game is screwed. Even if this did work it would slow the game down far too much for my taste. I don't like the idea of hovering on half a bar of hunger because all of the chests are now useless. In some maps it is bad enough with food scarcity as is, ie. Survival Games 1 and 3. I enjoy the fast based yet planning side of the game that currently exists.

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