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MCSG [Cheating] What Mods Should and Shouldn't Be Allowed on the Server (Ever-Expanding!)

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Nov 27, 2019
Reaction score
So I'm gonna use this thread to give my feedback on the mods I used in the MCGamer Beta and hopefully this will help the development of the anti-cheat and make the game fairer for everyone.

DISCLAIMER: Yes I did cheat in order to gather this data and the admins have already punished me for doing this (which was fair). So take this information with a grain of salt. In my defense, I openly admitted I did this and so I don't consider myself a cheater, as a cheater would continue to do this until he got caught and I came forward to admit this with the intent to make the game fairer for everyone. That said let's get to it.

Mods that give you a blatant, unfair advantage. Should absolutely not be allowed on the server.
Damage Indicators is a mod that gives you an unfair advantage by telling the user the health status of a given mob or player within a certain block range when you look at them. It also tells how many damage points you give to player when you hit them, tells you if you hit a critical, and tells you how many points a player regens and when he does so.

Inventory Tweaks' main unfair advantage is the ability to take all items from a chest by clicking just one item with Space + Left Click and the ability to organize all items in your inventory to a specific layout at the click of a button. These advantages however are inefective as there is a bug in the server that puts items back in chests if you move them to quickly to your inventory. The same applies to the automatic rearangement of items in your inventory, they get put back to their previous locations as you moved them to quickly. As it currently stands, due to the bugs currently present in the server, Inventory Tweaks doesn't give you an advantage but might in the future.
Inventory Sorter is similiar.

Mouse Tweaks is a mod that changes the way your mouse behaves when crafting and interacting with chests. It's main advantage is tha fact that once yo press Shift + Left Click, you only need to hover over a item in a chest to shift click it, rather than individually clicking every item in a chest.

Crafting Tweaks basically has a button that lets you clear the crafting table in one click. Although not a MASSIVE advantage, I believe it should not be allowed on the server.

This mod allows you to have one extra inventory slot and allows you to delete items on your inventory with a press of a button. Pretty obvious why it is cheating.

I'm not sure how many maps there are that have grass as tall as a player, so just to play it safe I'm including SwingThroughGrass as a bannable mod as it allows to destroy grass and hit a player at the same time.

Mods whose advantage isn't completely blatant but is still present. I'll leave these ones to the criteria of the admins/community to decide if they should be allowed or not.

I decided to include VoxelMap under "Plausible Mods" because there is a version without a Player Radar and without Cave Mode. In my opinion, the regular version of VoxelMap shouldn't be allowed on the server however a version without a Player Radar but with a Cave Mode should be allowed. I'm friends with the author and I think I can him convince to create such a version for 1.7-1.14. I won't promise anything though.
VoxelMap requires LiteLoader.
JourneyMap, whilst doing things differently, also allows you to see players on it's Minimap.

Clarity basically reduces the fog effect you get when you're underwater granting you much better visibility underwater allowing you to spot players and chests easier. Some may argue that the chests you find underwater aren't very valueable and that underwater PvP is so close range anyways that it's gains are purely aesthetic. As all other mods under the "Plausible" category, I'll leave the decision to the community.

Mods that don't give an advantage to the player, merely improving the quality of life of the user.

We all know what OptiFine does, FPS boost, custom capes, etc. The zoom option it provides isn't really considered a competitive advantage by the community and everone's fine with it. NEXT!

Gammabright is a mod that let's you have 100% brightness in-game no matter the light-level of a given area in a map. I decided to put Gammabright under the safe mods category as it doesn't enhance the skill of a player and also because you can also edit Minecraft's brightness through the "Gamma" file in the Options folder over on the .minecraft directory.

Gives you a CPS counter in game. No advantages just a clicks per second counter in-game

ArmorStatusHUD: Shows a customizable overlay displaying what armor you have equiped and item you have in your hand, also showing the durability of both armor and the item your holding.

DirectionHUD: Shows an overlay with the compass heading your facing at the top of your screen.

StatusEffectHUD: Shows a customizable overlay displaying any potion effects your character is currently under and their duration.

These mods require bspkrsCore to work.

ToggleSneak is a mod made popular by Huawhi. It allows players to sprint indefinetly at the push of a button. However, and as Huawhi pointed out, this mod also gives players the possibility to access their inventory and chest in sneak mode. If there was a way to check if Sneaking was toggled I believe this mod should be allowed on the server, however if this is not possible I suggest it should be banned outright. Alternatively, Better Sprinting could be used, as it doesn't have a Sneak Toggle mode, however unlike ToggleSneak, it doesn't show the user if Sprinting is toggled or not, which in my opinion renders the mod useless.
ToggleSneak requires Player API.

Decided to move ToggleSneak to Safe Mods as 1.15 incorporates toggleing sneak and sprint.

  • 1000 CPS Macro / Buttefly Click Programs
I think both of these should be banned as they significantly reduce the skill ceiling of the game. I've never tried any of these and I don't intend to do so

As of 12/05/2019 the server does NOT detect any of these mods (not sure about the programs though) in ANY game version 1.7 through 1.14 (though I only tested 1.7.10, 1.8.9 and 1.14.4), so I wanted to let everyone aware of the current situation on using mods to cheat on the server. I don't if these mods can be all detected. Perhaps we might have to migrate over to Lunar Client or Badlion Client as a more drastic means of controlling cheating on the server. I have been told that Lunar Client is a better option but as everything i said on this thread, if it ever gets to that poing, it should be a decision made by the community.

Do you agree with my selection? I'd love for this thread to be definitive thread for mod discussion. I also plan to update this thread as time goes on to keep it relevant for a long time so please let me know of any other mods I might have missed. I plan on making polls and other stuff to know the community's opinion on these mods and hopefully this is the first step to a much fairer MC SG.

To any admins who read this thread, as I said before on the beginning of the thread, I am aware that cheating is against the rules and I'm not excusing my actions. However I ask that you take in consideration this high effort thread I made and the honesty and clarity of my actions regarding using these mods over on the server without alerting anyone previously. I know it was wrong and I apologize for it. Thanks.

If you got all the way to here you're a friggin' LEGEND!!

Edit: Not sure if I posted in the correct sub-forum, please let me know if I should've posted this thread in another sub-forum.
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Another guy
Oct 21, 2019
Reaction score
These are my thoughts on damage indicators:

I understand your point with damage indicators, but personally for me I think they're not a huge problem. Also, if i'm not mistaken, clients like badlion, labymod ect. have the option for a damage indicator, so by banning indicators you would have to ban these clients. Why is this bad? Well because I realize they provide a much smoother and enjoyable game-play for a lot of people along with many "quality of life" features such as viewing your armour duration on a selected side of your screen. Not to mention that detecting a damage indicator would probably be very difficult.


Nov 27, 2019
Reaction score
These are my thoughts on damage indicators:

I understand your point with damage indicators, but personally for me I think they're not a huge problem. Also, if i'm not mistaken, clients like badlion, labymod ect. have the option for a damage indicator, so by banning indicators you would have to ban these clients. Why is this bad? Well because I realize they provide a much smoother and enjoyable game-play for a lot of people along with many "quality of life" features such as viewing your armour duration on a selected side of your screen. Not to mention that detecting a damage indicator would probably be very difficult.
Thanks for letting me know. I'm actually fine with Damage Indicators, it's just that from what I've talked with the community they told me that they didn't enjoy. Like all mods referenced in this thread, their use or ban should be left to the community.


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
These are my thoughts on damage indicators:

I understand your point with damage indicators, but personally for me I think they're not a huge problem. Also, if i'm not mistaken, clients like badlion, labymod ect. have the option for a damage indicator, so by banning indicators you would have to ban these clients. Why is this bad? Well because I realize they provide a much smoother and enjoyable game-play for a lot of people along with many "quality of life" features such as viewing your armour duration on a selected side of your screen. Not to mention that detecting a damage indicator would probably be very difficult.
There are no clients that have an "option for a damage indicator".

edit: at least lunar and blc, labymod idk


Oct 31, 2019
Reaction score
Damage indicators shouldn't be allowed Good for brains it gives a massive advantage being able to see someone's health at all times


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
People have been banned for adjusting their gamma, so I don't think it's safe.


Another guy
Oct 21, 2019
Reaction score
are you serious rn
Alright, I just want to clear things up and explain my thinking.
First off, I came back to minecraft not too long ago, and when I did MCSG wasn't out, so I played on MCcentral. There, damage indicators were allowed, and when I came here I thought they weren't. But from seeing people play on labymod (which has damage indicators) I assumed MCSG didn't have a problem with them. I never have been an active user or a fan of outside client modifications like badlion, labymod ect and don't plan to be. Although I did "test" one out of desperation to have a smoother game play, I never actually used it. P.S, the only reason I know labymod had damage indicators is from someone I knew who used the client.

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