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Captain's Farewell


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Roof roof bark, bark roof bark bark. In human-speak, farewell, even though in my so-far short time in Empire I haven't gotten to know you much. And I think I'm gonna cry because the dog of Empire didn't get a notable. But, eh, most people don't know I'm a dog anyways. Now go build me a computer ;)
No. You should not tell captain to build you a computer. HOW DARE YOU!!!


Oct 10, 2012
Reaction score
I hope this is more of a resignation rather than a farewell. I hope to see you around in the Teamspeak and MCSG/Hive. You have been a superb captain of the Empire clan. I wish you best of luck in your future. We will most certainly miss you and your greatful things you have started in the MCSG community (Empire Clan).


I shed a tear :'(


Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score

Hey guys, I'd like to let you all know that I am reluctantly resigning my position as Leader and other from Empire. My time here has been fun and I've enjoyed leading the obvious and undisputed #1 clan in the US, and perhaps the World! I don't want to leave without explaining myself, so I'll do just that.

I'm 17, a senior in high school, and I'll be attending Arizona State University majoring in Computer Science Engineering in a few months. I realize that my loyalties should lie to myself, and distractions in the form of video games and online forums will not have a positive major impact on my life. I want you all reading this to know that I love each and everyone of you, whether you are an Empire Trooper, Rebel, or Forgotten. I realize many of you may not like me, and may even be happy to see me go, which I personally don't really care about, however, I'd like to address that no one in this community can say that they really know me, and also say they don't like me. I will still be around, however, I will be continuing on the Hive (mostly).

I will make infrequent visitations to the MCSG servers, and VERY frequent visits if my moderator application is accepted. However, I am cutting off ties to clans, as well as my youtube. I have had an amazing time these past 6 months here on MCSG, with my friends, my clan, and my fans as well :). If you are a fan of my youtube channel, I'm truly sorry that I cannot continue to make videos. I may upload a video once in a blue moon, but probably not. I'm still toying around with a proposition to make a farewell or explanation video why I will not continue to make videos and upload them, however I will probably not make one, it would just be too hard for me.

The last thing I would like to formally address is the fact that I DO NOT want to leave! I am just too well aware that if I am to take my life somewhere I want it to go, in the long run, then I need to take an extended vacation from MCSG and limit my very little time to where my commitments lie, like school, my job (life guarding), and Hive moderating. I cannot multitask well, and quite frankly, I can't deal with anymore then what is on my plate currently.

Lastly, I'd like to thank all of my friends I have made on MCSG and Hive, but of course most notably I'd like to give a HUGE shout out the following people:

The best mexicasian I have ever met on or off these servers, Hiqhlights :
(this whole thing may sound slightly homo to anyone reading this: it isn't)
Aj, I definitely plan on staying in contact with you on a semi daily basis. We really have bonded in our time managing the clan or just simply having fun, and really, I care about you bro, your friendship and partnership in Empire has been a real treasure, you've really been my best bud for the last few stressful months of my life, thanks a ton bro, I wont forget it! Lah yoo.

The ugly barnacle himself, Graser10cp :
Graser, I dont know your first name, but I know your brother's name is Joshua Graser, because you always use his full name whenever you address him. Anyways, hes probably almost as ugly as you so it doesn't really matter. Graser you're a funny guy and I always enjoy your company, it really brightens my mood, good luck, and I'll definitely be playing games with you on the Hive. I'll say it once more in an MCSG setting, WHOOOOOOAAAAA ur ugly.

The one who never loses, Epic_Frog_Song :
Derik, you were really the first person I met on MCSG. You basically introduced me to Hiqh and Graser, and the games I played with you were honestly the most fun games I had the opportunity to play with anyone. You are an amazing player, a really funny guy and definitely the coolest Frog I know. I will undoubtedly be keeping in contact with you and hopefully playing some games :)

The swag twins who like to confuse the fk out of me, simmons bros :
I'm very thankful for all of the time I've gotten to spend with u guys, although you liked to confuse the hell out of me your both super funny and made me laugh hard on multiple occasions. I wish Dylan the best with his girl and the gift he has given her and himself, and Austin with his sports and career otherwise.

My pleasantly intellectual adversary, ReaVeZz :
Brenden, I know you have had a tough time in your life, and as I've told you many times before, know that you are not alone, and that people care about you. I know for sure I'm one of them, you have been a great friend and clan mate over the last few months, and I wouldn't have replaced you with anyone. I know you will be doing great things with this clan, and any endeavors you chose to embark in. You are a smart, intelligent individual ReaVeZz, I know you will go far in whatever you chose to commit yourself to. Just don't let minor struggles get in your way of happiness.

The Generals, Mp5 and Tkt :
I'm separating this from the rest of the Empire guys because I really know you both pretty well. Brandon and Tony you both fall under the same thanking actually; your both really great guys, very funny and you've both made my time a lot better here on MCSG. Thanks for being a part of Empire, and make sure you take care of Hiqhlights and Frog for me! PS add me on League of Legends Tk, I'm CaptainMKirk of course!

The Empire mob :
John (fatal), Leo, Capzook, Gumby, Tpem, Buzz, Licensed, Pepsiz, iFanyo, Andy (All1do1sw1n), Renee (iamamazing), and Jordan (Samdude09). I'd like to thank all of you, I know most of you on a personal basis, and your time with me in the Empire has been great, and really enjoyable.

Other notables:
Makobeast, BomBashious, ExplosiveBisket, OMGjustin, MrTurnip, Tarrant, Mooclan, Blitz, Gamer101Luke, Kerbals, UncrowdedFlyer, Mustache, Kricken, imnotafk, brutal_killer, the rest of my youtube subscribers, CaptainDak, and Voxcile. : Thank you all!

Farewell captain


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
</3 thanks for mentioning me by the way :D
I'll miss you cap'n

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