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Jul 30, 2013
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Hello Tributes!

Recently with most of my more serious threads I've been getting A LOT of positive feed back and it means the world to me so I want to keep making these types of threads to give insight and to give awareness to you guys so you are able to have knowledge on certain situations when they arise.

So this thread as you can see by the title is based around bullying, recently I have witnessed/experienced a lot of bullying in the community and I think it's time to give some awareness.
As a lot of people state this community has slowly become really toxic in some areas, this is mainly due to people accusing others of certain things like hacking, boosting or other more personal attacks.

In AU alone I see a lot of hackusations and people accusing others of boosting, unfortunately this is normally just because AU has a much smaller player base meaning games aren't as full most of the day and anyone that has a 3 team in sometimes just a 6 player game can be accused of boosting because they have a huge advantage on the other players.
I do know boosting does occur and I will state that if you believe someone is boosting,

I have had a long discussion with a few members of the AU community about these types of things that have been happening a lot more frequently from that I have asked a close friend of mine to have a bit of a say in this thread as he has also been receiving a lot of hate and bullying in the past few weeks.

Bullying does not always happen in person. Cyber-bullying is probably something a lot of people are familiar with, this is a type of bullying that happens online or through any type of social media or even on a internet game. But there are things you can do to protect yourself and your friends.

Always think about what you post, you never know what someone will forward or pass along to the next person, unfortunately not many people think of the repercussions of their actions. Stop. Think. Respect.

Being kind to others online will help to keep you safe. Do not share anything that could hurt or embarrass anyone, this could lead to depression, anxiety and sometimes worse things for the people being bullied.

Think about who sees what you post online.

Imagine how you would feel if you were the person being bullied or constantly picked on by others.
Put yourself in their shoes, think before you speak.

This has happened in the past, over a block game as people call it.
On the MCGamer network, I have experienced a lot and do know that bullying and accusations occur. Whether it may be "Win Boosting" "Playing smaller games" "Teaming with friends" or anything like this, nobody has the right to accuse people of things or bully people for those reasons, everyone is special in their own way and should be treated with the same amount of respect you would want to be treated with.
- Mark27


I want people to realize that everyone they meet online, play games with, talk to are human beings.
They have feelings, families, lives outside of Minecraft and whether you believe cyber bullying can affect real lives or not you have to take some consideration when talking to people.
I will give an example of someone I know who experienced a lot of cyber bullying over minecraft.
-Trigger warning-

One of my closest friends im not going to name but some people might know was bullied so much on minecraft it started affecting her sleep, her motivation and her ability to socialize.
She withdrew from life and eventually stopped going to school, stopped talking to her family and didn't speak to her friends anymore, by the time her parents found out what was happening to her online it was too late and she had taken her life from the depression she was experiencing.
When the police investigated the people who were bullying her so bad and telling her to kill herself were charged because they assisted in the loss of her life.
Whether you know it or not bullying can lead to people taking their lives.. now you may think that's the end of it, you may think it's a harmless joke to call names or to harass someone online but for this girl and her family, this was not a joke at all.
Put yourself in that position and be careful what you say to someone because they could be gone the next day and you will never get to take it back.


I'm going to also make a point of leaving some helplines and awesome websites I have used in the past to de-stress or to relax.
[I apologise if most of these websites are AU based, as an Australian I'm not too sure what other countries have available]

[If you have any help lines/websites you know are useful, feel free to DM me and i will add them]
I also want anyone reading this thread to know that my dms are always open for you guys if you ever need someone to talk to or to rant to and I will just listen to you, about anything.
Be strong because life can be beautiful if you're looking at it from the right mind set.

A big thank you to Mark for helping me with this thread.

Have a fantastic day/night/morning/evening/whatever time it is.

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Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, great thread! Honestly the people who are bullying online daily are most likely getting bullied them selves and its sad thats the only way to make them feel good. I guess thats one of the few morals I have, I try pretty dam hard to not tell people to kill them selves. Im not sure what I would do if I got a knock on my door saying I assisted in someone killing them self.


How to stop cyber-bullying in steps!

Step 1: Go to the profile of the person who keeps harassing you.
Step 2: Find the word "Block or Ignore" anything that would stop the communication with that person.
Step 3: Click it.
Step 4: You're all happy!!

This is the internet. You can't really stop anyone from saying anything because they take the advantage of being anonymous. To be completely honest I wouldn't worry about any random guy telling me to "kill myself or slit my wrists" because I know he's a dumb ass guy who wants just to make me feel bad. I know I have people around me who love me and who take care of me, why would I even bother to listen to that guy? I'm really sorry for your friend and what happened to her.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
That was a great thread and all, well made, but there's a simple solution.
Anyways, cyber bullying can easily be stopped, just by getting off the computer. You don't really have to sit there while the people are attacking you.
That's my POV doe (never gotten bullied if that changes anything)

How to stop cyber-bullying in steps!

Step 1: Go to the profile of the person who keeps harassing you.
Step 2: Find the word "Block or Ignore" anything that would stop the communication with that person.
Step 3: Click it.
Step 4: You're all happy!!

This is the internet. You can't really stop anyone from saying anything because they take the advantage of being anonymous. To be completely honest I wouldn't worry about any random guy telling me to "kill myself or slit my wrists" because I know he's a dumb -snip- guy who wants just to make me feel bad. I know I have people around me who love me and who take care of me, why would I even bother to listen to that guy? I'm really sorry for your friend and what happened to her.
Yah if u play games like CSGO or LoL you get used to getting trash talked and you sometimes trash talk by yourself too. Sometimes it's really not a lot if you get swore at at a video game, some people get mad over video games (like myself. I can't carry myself out of Gold Nova so I'm a salty -snip-)
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Jul 18, 2013
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I think a lot of this kind of bullying comes just from genuine boredom and looking for trouble. Creating drama is thrilling and exciting, but many don't think about the consequences until after. Asking people to calm down would be asking too much, but at least making them think before they act is nothing unreasonable. Great thread Danni c:


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't think I'd have to do this but im going to make a point of saying if any negativity or just over all irrelevant/unnecessary comments are posted here it will be removed as this thread was made to help people not to branch into negative comments.


Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't think I'd have to do this but im going to make a point of saying if any negativity or just over all irrelevant/unnecessary comments are posted here it will be removed as this thread was made to help people not to branch into negative comments.
My post was necessary. Mark27 was being a bully :ccc
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